I had a friend who said she was struggling with coming up with her new year’s resolutions. She said she felt directionless. My heart broke when I read that text. We are never directionless. We are always exactly where we are meant to be, learning what we need to learn. The lessons we learn prepare us and ready us for our next chapter, our next blessing. So my recommendation to her that day was to choose how she wanted to feel this year rather than worry about the burden of making precise goals. Goals feed the ego. Feelings feed the soul. Feelings are also at the core of manifesting whatever you want. Much like my story about Rockstar parking last week, everything happens in perfect Divine time and in the perfect Divine way. If something isn’t coming to fruition, it’s simply not time yet…including goal setting. The energy hasn’t lined up yet for this goal/desire/event/relationship to come into fruition. This is true for everything in your life. When you become an energetic match to what you want, it simply flows into your life. We achieve that energetic alignment by experiencing the way it would feel to have what you want. Experience life as if you already have it. Bask in those emotions. Enjoy what it would feel like to be living that life. Just as your mother told you when you were little, “To have a friend, be a friend.” She was a Law of Attraction master, that one. When you yourself were friendly, you attracted friends. You became a friend so you attracted friends. The same is true for all that you want in 2021. It’s been a tough year. It’s OK if you don’t know what you want. Experience the feeling of how you want to feel. Bask in how amazing and incredible that feels. As you bask in that feeling, ideas and connections and desires will rise up within you and the conduit to make those feelings material will flow to you effortlessly. When those people and opportunities present themselves to you, and they will, it will be time to take action and you will know that you have reverse engineered your goals for 2021. Join me for this week’s meditation, How do you want to feel this year? to incorporate your feeling, or word of the year, into your 2021 experience. |