Ever noticed at certain times of the month you’re full of energy and others you’re tired af? You might notice brain fog, fatigue and other symptoms without understanding why. Well that’s a lot to do with your period cycle.
Our female hormonal cycle is a key component in how we feel, behave and even work. Our energy levels, mood, creativity and more are affected by these hormones. An entire menstrual cycle usually lasts between 24 and 38 days , but it can vary woman to woman.
But what if you could build a successful strategy for your business, using your four hormonal phases of your menstrual cycle? You’ll learn which part of your cycle gives you the superpowers to launch, execute, and finish projects of all kinds.
The business world and workplaces are often male-dominated and so there’s not a lot of adaption to women’s cycles and peaks of energy. The modern working world focuses on the 24-hour cycle, which has not helped the 28-cycle women live by. This obviously needs to change!
That’s why by understanding your hormones and cycle, you can start to step into your power and plan your productivity accordingly.
But let’s look at how our period cycle works and what it means for you and your productivity.
Did you know there are four parts of your cycle?
Menstruation phase:
Lasts: Usually lasts for 3 to 7 days, from when you first bleed, to the time it stops
Hormones: Hormones levels are low. Estrogen slightly rises and and progesterone decreases slightly
Symptoms: Very low energy, during your Winter part of your period. You’ll be very tired and perhaps emotional
Productivity: Your energy and focus will be the lowest at this point. Make sure you rest a lot and do work which requires little energy, so work at a slower pace
Follicular phase:
Lasts: This phase can last for 11 to 27 days
Hormones: This phase sees a sharp rise in Progesterone and estrogen rise sharply during this phase, with a steady level of testosterone stays at a steady level
Symptoms: This is springtime, in your phase, so expect a new surge of energy. YEY. This is due to the build up to ovulation beginning
Productivity: this is a great time to start or make huge progress on ongoing projects. Problem solving and creativity are both game at this time of the cycle.
Ovulation phase:
Lasts: normally, just 24 hours – but you’ll feel the effects for between two to four days
Hormones: rise of progesterone and estrogen, which suddenly drops off towards the end the phase
Symptoms: lots of energy. You’ll be feeling pretty great and confident, as you’re in peak fertility. There’s also some VERY beneficial physical symptoms such as fuller lips, brighter eyes, and great skin. It’s all to attract the opposite sex, due to it being a key time for mating.
Productivity: This is considered your summer season. You’ll feel really pumped full of energy due to a surge of testosterone and want to get lots of sh*t done
Luteal phase:
Lasts: anywhere from 12 to 14 days.
Hormones: Estrogen and progesterone rise, before suddenly decreasing towards the end of this phase
Symptoms: You might find you just wanna veg/cocoon and your productivity has walked right out of the door. The latter part of this phase often has PMS associated with it, which makes us want to reach for comfort food and hideaway.
Productivity: your outputs will be pretty low at this time of the month. You’ll feel like laying low and winding down
Track your cycle
A great way to understanding your cycle, is to track where you’re at. You can do this using some amazing period trackers. Period tracking apps can sometimes be inaccurate if you’re a woman with an irregular or variable cycle. But, they’re a very good knowledge base for having more of an idea of your cycle. Here are some of our favourites:
Clue: all of their predictions are based on the most up-to-date science. They collaborate with scientists and universities to ensure continuous improvements.
Eve by Glow: focuses on primarily on period tracking, in addition to letting you keep tabs on your sex life and gym habit
Want to learn to bio-hack your cycle, to reach your true potential, and step into your power? Connect with one of our period coaches to learn how to sync your female hormonal cycle with your work and life schedule. Harness your energy, productivity, and success. You can plan your life and work very successfully around your period and kick ass at it!