Discovering your passion isn’t always as easy as some people may think. Entrepreneur and restaurant owner, John Souphalith, discovered his passion for business at very young age.
When John was in the 1st grade he discovered his passion for business. It all started one day when he was walking to school; he would come across a man selling candy bars. John would buy candy bars for 10 cents and sell them to his friends for 25 cents when he got to school.
After filling his pockets with quarters, he was then buying hundreds of candy bars and reinvesting his quarters into his newly discovered candy business. A few months later, John encountered the same candy bars being sold for $4.99 at another local store; it was from this day forward that business began to really intrigue John.
He later went on to attend college and earn a degree in Biology. According to him, he wasn’t sure what he was going to pursue and felt lost like most of his graduate friends. One of John’s friends who happened to be in the restaurant industry started scouting and observing potential partners. Eventually, his friend decided that John had the potential he was looking for and asked if he’d be interested in partnering with him.
Although at the time John didn’t have much money to put up into the business, he promised them that if they took a chance on him, they’d certainly never regret it.
As John grew, so did the restaurant. Within just a year of opening, John’s restaurant has expanded into 4 total chains and they now have plans to franchise. John has also went on to join multi-level marketing company Beyond where he obtained Global Influencer rank in just 45 days of starting.
For entrepreneurs like John, the most powerful tool they believe we all have is our mind. John believes that if you don’t have control, you can disrupt the vibe that you’ve worked so hard to build. John Souphalith is an example of what actually fulfilling your ambitions and dreams looks like. Through commitment, hard work, and relentless passion, John embodies every element there is in being a true entrepreneur.