This is the time of year we set new goals for ourselves. Some outline their year. Some create resolutions. Some set up a step-by-step plan. What if there was a different way to achieve all that you wanted without the intense efforting and discomfort you usually experience in January? Have you ever considered that the discomfort may be a sign that you might be attempting to force a lifestyle you aren’t quite prepared for yet? When we allow Divine guidance and timing to take the lead on our New Year’s intentions, we find that all of our goals are achieved without forcing them. We accomplish them through inspiration instead of sheer determination. When things aren’t happening for you, it’s simply not time yet. Here’s a great example of this: On New Year’s Eve, I went to the grocery store and pulled into a PACKED parking lot. (No surprise there!) You see, I find that parking lots are a clear litmus test for me as to where my energy is vibrating and how well I am manifesting things into my life. I tend to vibe high and claim Rockstar parking most days. Try it for yourself and see how you can use this simple exercise to increase your manifesting muscles. Expect that you will obtain Rockstar parking every time you enter a parking lot and give immense gratitude for it when you obtain it and see how well you begin to manifest those coveted spots. OK… back to the story… I roll into the parking lot on New Year’s Eve and turn down a lane and find myself behind this woman walking her cart to her car in the middle of the lane. She is walking so s-l-o-w-l-y. I tend to take these type of experiences as signs and know that it is time for me to slow down. So, I take in the experience and ground and breathe and give gratitude while waiting for her. I go through all of my processes and she still does not move to the side, nor walk any faster. I breathe again. I give gratitude for the pause. Besides, I can turn left and move around her in just a few more feet. As I approach the turn, she turns too!!! She remains in front of me, at her consistent pace, on the next lane. Finally, I reach another lane and can turn away from my walking friend. The precise moment I turned down the new lane, the car parked in the spot closest to the front entrance of the store within this lane puts their car in reverse and begins to pull out of the spot…. Rockstar parking achieved on one of the busiest grocery shopping days of the year. So, how does this crazy story apply to your New Year’s resolutions? Often, we want to push ourselves into a new lifestyle we might not be inspired or ready to experience yet. We force and push our way to get there because we have resolved to do so and then we fail. I could have honked at this woman to get her out of my way or rolled down my window and asked her to move over. That would be forcing my intention…and what would have happened? I would have missed my perfect parking spot. Instead, I sat in allowance of the Universe. Trusting that everything happens in perfect order and timing. And I was delivered precisely what I wanted. Rockstar parking. I did have to take action. I had to park my car, but it was effortless and precisely what I wanted. Your New Year’s goal can be the same way. There will be action that needs to be taken. This is true. But notice what type of action you are taking. Are you forcing the action or allowing the action? Begin to pay attention where you are efforting and where you are allowing. Yes, you can begin to make different choices to improve your life this January. I will be too. However, when we allow the Universe to conspire with us on our New Year’s resolutions, we achieve them with more ease and grace. We complete them through inspiration, not force. You will find that you will achieve your goals like a Rockstar. Curious how I remained so calm and grounded in the parking lot? Join me for this week’s meditation, Everything Happens in Perfect Timing, and learn how to remain calm and collected in every situation. |