Everyone has turned to vices to cope with some sort of hardship or mental distress. For Garrett Bair, when he was homesick and out of place in college, he turned to alcohol and drank several times a week as a way of dealing with his problems. Fortunately, in a situation where many people get deeper into their vices before it gets better, Garrett turned to fitness to help him cope with what he was going through.
Not only did fitness help him cope, it helped him excel in all aspects of his life. He found his calling in life, and began to realize that fitness as a full time career was a real possibility. And, rather than going to law school after graduating as a pre law major from The Ohio State University, he did just that: Go all in on his passion for fitness.
As his physique progressed, so did his social media following. Before long, he was in world class shape and had amassed over 6 figures in Instagram followers, and his thought of pursuing a fitness career full time began to sound less and less crazy as his brand skyrocketed. It was quickly evident that he made the right choice, and all of the outside criticism he received for pursuing fitness over a career as a lawyer was silenced.
Even with his quick rise in the industry, Garrett will be the first to admit that the journey was far from easy. Even as he became more successful and he elevated his physical fitness to new heights, he still had sleepless nights where he’d feel dissatisfied with his physique and be close to tears because of heartbreak. He’s had occasions where he had to ask a friend for gas money just to make it home at the end of the day, and he advises anyone looking to follow in his footsteps to realize just how much of a grind it is.
Garrett has never been scared of hard work or having to overcome adversity. When faced with the idea of spending the next few decades working for someone else at a 9-5 job versus working as hard as he can to make a career out of fitness, he chose the latter with almost no hesitation.
Regardless of what’s to come in Garrett Bair’s career, it’s a guarantee that he will do everything in his power to become successful and it’s certain that big things lie ahead for him and his brand.