In the 21st century, Stress is the main problem causing physical problems like mental illness, muscle tension, digestive problems, and high blood pressure. If this stress condition prolonged then it will cause serious issues to human health i.e anxiety and depression.
Gardens are considered as special therapeutic places with restorative qualities that impart good changes to human health to relief from stress and under pressure.
Most people believe that gardening makes us feel good because it makes the room for physical exercise as well it is a creative art for gardening lovers which allows them to express themselves.
It is a way of caring for something as someone caring to keep the houseplants alive so he/she becomes loving for the caring ones and ultimately whenever the thrive, it gives them a sense of pride and purpose.
By science, the evidence is present which suggests that there are two types of modes of attention.

Focused attention: This attention is what we use when we are doing some work.
Fascination: This is what we used when we are doing something which takes part in hobbies like gardening etc.
This theory supports that if we use too much-focused attention then it will lead us to the condition of stress then here comes the Fascination which helps us to restore our attention, mindset and alleviate the anxious feeling.
It is proven from the previous studies that humans are more ease and relaxed in the natural environment which is strong evidence that gardening up helps improve the mental health of humans because of base predisposition to understand and affiliate with nature.
Gardening is an art that helps us to improve our mental and physical health and helps us to build relations with others in a good way. In the same way, it provides an opportunity for us to be social by joining the gardening community.
This is how the gardening work impacts on human minds and health.
Stress reduction
As it is early described that gardening improves mental health, so, after the report by the industry experts that every one of the four persons is experiencing mental illness and he needs some fascinating time to change his daily routine which can improve his mental illness and stress.
The time we passed in our garden can be a great way to release the tension of the whole day. When volunteering in the garden, there is something about the life we are feeling by swirling the soil through our hands in the warmth of the sun.
When sitting in garden the shaking of green leave of lettuce and the sound due to breeze while it passes through the leaves of blackberries and blueberries will be a worth giving scene which is the worth for mental health and release of stress.
Provides Potential
Gardening has much potential and a range of activities which can be directly related to mental health needs or any other type of therapeutic activity.
During the daily busy routine, a human body needs regular work in his hobby which will improve his sense of caring and also become the cause for improving from illness and accidents in daily life.
Giving water to plants, fertilizer to beautiful hibiscus, and controlling pests on plants will entertain your mind.
Interacting with others
Gardening can be a good source for you to create the opportunity to meet the new persons in the garden community. You can chat with others to find a way to combat the problems related to the weeds and finding something in common.
While moving to garden centers, it creates the opportunity to interact with the new people and chat about the plants.
Community gardeners are the other form of benefit that utilized the allotted plots in a larger group of plots. These community gardens help to:
Reduce social isolation
Serve as the catalyst for community improvements
Improves the community pride
Create a relationship among neighbors
Serve as the meeting place for positive social interaction
Being Present
A person’s mindful presence is tied to the positive outcomes in his life, like the less emotional reactivity and mental satisfaction with the conditions.
Gardens can be considered as a protective place where we can learn the things and practice what we are doing and where we are. Gardening and farming are the two ultimate life goal to keep yourself healthy.
A happy and satisfied person can have its mindful presence and the gardening plays the long term role in life to support the mental health to achieve this presence.
Gardening can impact on a number of health outcomes, that includes:
Helps to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress-related symptoms
Helps to increase physical activity
Helps to alleviate the symptoms of dementia, such as aggressive behavior
To decrease in BMI
Helps to reduce reliance on medication, self-harming behavior
Increase the ability to concentrate and engage
To improve the cognitive function
Higher reported a sense of community