What’s your backstory?
My name is Christian Vind, I was born and raised in Minnesota. All my life I dreamed of being famous for making music, but I could never find the right people to work with to make it happen back in my high school days. Whenever I tried to find people to work with, to start a music group or to be in one, they would laugh at me saying “Stick to your day job”, “White Boy trying to act Black”, “White people don’t have rhythm”, “Stop trying to be someone that your not”, “You’ll never make it”, “I don’t want you in my group”, “Who does this person think he is”, “You suck”, “You’ll never be good enough” and was bullied all the time just for me being who I wanted to be.
Years later, everything had changed for me when I watched Eminem’s movie, 8 Mile. I had seen that movie before, but then, watching it again, I had felt something tell me to chase my dream. Watching that film inspired me to chase my dreams and I told myself that if Eminem could do it, then I can do it as well. I started searching for recording studios in 2014 shortly after watching that movie. I had went from studio to studio till I went to High School for Recording Arts after hours, in St. Paul, Minnesota, to get my music recorded. I released my first EP, Christian Vind The EP, on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Apple Music, etc. in 2015 and then got some music videos done to it as well. The next step was to learn how to create a fanbase on social media.
Once I figured out social media marketing, I started making money from that just by retweeting people’s content to help them gain more exposure helping them expand their fan base, after I got verified on Twitter, I also helped people gain more organic followers to build their brands. How I got to where I am is by networking with celebrities and verified influencers on Twitter.
2016 is when I started performing and one of my best performances was at the PourHouse in downtown Minneapolis in Minnesota. It was a great year for me, I charted in the top 3-15 on the MTV Artist Website, in the summer of that year when they had it on their website. Then I got invited by Republic Records and I attended the MTV VMA After Party, in New York at Vandal, which got me to be on the red carpet. I feel like that helped my career a lot.
In 2017, I stopped performing my old music to work on my new album and now I will be releasing it in 2019! Definitely expect some dope creative photography and music videos from Andrew St. Jean and I in 2019 as well! Also, get ready for Sundra Xaphakdy, Darrin Austyn James Hall, owner of www.newlifemusicgroup.com, Shermo, Christi Vind, After Memphis, John White, Jassiel Macias, Dylan Bostic, Devonte Riley, Dale Moss, Kiya Edwards, Jimmy Star, Angel Sessions, Rodney Crews, Demetrius Guidry, Tru-Serva, Cara Rgnonti, Dixon DeVille, Andrew St. Jean, A.Win Music, Daniel Mignault, and I, Christian Vind, to take over the entertainment industry!
I know this is not an easy job. What drives you?
What drives me is knowing that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. On this entertainment journey, God has shown me many things about myself and they’re so many reasons to not give up. One major reason is knowing that there could be someone that is looking up to me and what if I gave up? I wouldn’t want them losing hope.
So what exactly does your company do?
I offer promotional services via Twitter, whether it would be a shoutout, and or retweeting their content. The first thing I do is reach out to brands and companies that are looking for more exposure for their businesses.
Is there someone who made a big difference in your life who helped you get to where you are today? What lesson did you learn from them?
John White helped make a big difference in my life. Not only did he teach me how to become a successful entrepreneur, but he also got me into the PR industry as well. One lesson that I learned from him is that LinkedIn is the best place to do business. For one, thats where most of the big ballers go. For two, it is so much easier to connect with people on there. So, if you’re looking for clients, that’s the first place you should look!
Christian Vind’s Social media