If you’re a ThriveGlobal reader you have more than likely come across an article that talks about how important it is to work smarter so that you could avoid the dreaded burnout epidemic most business professionals face. What if you loved your Career so much to the point that the thought of burning out has never even crossed your mind? Meet Dr. Zara Haruiyunyan, Founder of her practice CRMC Aesthetics, when prompted on how she avoids burnout she opened a completely new perspective on writing about burnout amongst professionals. So here’s how to avoid burnout together by truly loving what you do.
Love Your Job
Love your job? You may be thinking who could possibly love their job that much? But as a matter of fact, there is a small percentage of individuals who truly love their careers to that extent. Typically it’s derived from having a career that brings a sense of fulfillment in their life, as for our Zara, seeing her customers leave her practice in love with the aesthetic injections she provides tends to put a massive smile on her further solidifying her case of loving her career. You have to love what you do to put 110% into it.
Unplug from Work
This might be the single biggest piece of advice given on Thrive Global, and for good reason. If you live by the Hustle Everyday Mentality you’ll quickly come to realize the unsustainability of being a normal functioning member of society and trying to keep up with the “Hustle”, so here’s why you need to unplug from work.
Unplugging from resets your mind, it’s easy to get carried away with work and overload your brain which is a clear sign you need a break. Not only does it overload your brain, but it also wreaks havoc on your home life. For example, Zara values spending time with her family and friends, so she understands the importance of taking time off work to continue to return with just as much love and passion for her career if not more than what she left with.
Key Takeaways
Avoiding burnout without having to do any extra tasks such as meditating, increasing productivity or anything of the sorts involves only 2 steps. Love your career, and take time to unplug, this combination can be seen amongst some of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Some things don’t always have to be so complicated