Dear Elianna – You left behind a huge legacy
which I am inheriting; by this I mean I am
making it my sole mission to understand
WHY you had to leave us and to understand more about
life here on earth, why we are here and who we are. Your
strength has given me the passion and grace to continue,
so I can delve deep into my soul and find the
answers within, instead of running away from them. I had
a choice whether to reach for the light or to stay in the
dark and no matter how turbulent and stormy my journey
has been, my grief has brought me to the light.
Elianna, you have helped me become a stronger
human being where I can adapt great spiritual
wisdom and knowledge in my life which you have helped
me to achieve through my soul growth so that I can pass
onto others. The wonderful and beautiful signs you have
given us from your world are reminders that there is life
beyond and that our soul is eternal! I often feel your
the energy around me, like a light cloud, such an amazing
feeling, and this signifies to me you are still with me and
that I know that we are more than our bodies here on
As sad as it was, I now realize you were leaving us was
meant to be. You completed your spiritual assignment
here on this earth plane and had to return home to where
you belong. I no longer feel like the ship at sea, where
there is no anchor insight since I now know that I have
reached the shore where I feel stable and safe and have
since risen to a new plateau of truth and understanding.
This anchor is within me, my soul, giving me support
and strength every step of the way but only through
riding and embracing these turbulent waves of grief have
I come this far. These waves washed over me, healed me
, and radiated my soul which in time opened my heart and
mind. The grief within me lies dormant, and every now
and then I shed tears of sadness for you, but I know the
the face of grief has now changed and accompanies me along
my journey.
Grief has softened me not in the sense of weakness but
in the sense of strength. I feel as though I have made a
gigantic accomplishment for my well-being, and I
now realize that every single lesson in life is never
My goal here in this life is to treasure and appreciate
every day that passes by, no matter how difficult it may
be. Elianna, because of your passing you have enabled me
to grow deeper within and now that I am armed with
enough spiritual knowledge, I can face the world
again and to share this knowledge with others.