With the coronavirus pandemic lingering across the United States, many have started to rethink how we as humans will be able to gather in groups and socialize again. After dozens of states have been forced to close even after re-opening, the question on everyone’s minds is: When will things ever be normal again? As this question remains unanswered, an up-and-coming American manufacturing company has taken matters into their own hands after designing what they call an intelligent anti-pandemic safety gate that serves as a tool to sanitize and disinfect a person’s whole body within a matter of seconds.
With a design and appearance that looks similar to an x-ray scanner that one would see at an airport security checkpoint, PandMedic’s anti-pandemic safety gate’s functions offer a different type of security: peace of mind. So how does it work? When approaching the gate, it operates first by checking a person’s temperature without contact. By placing one’s forehead or wrist three inches from the left panel, the safety gate safely takes a temperature reading completely contact-free with an infrared touch free thermometer. If the gate detects a fever, an alarm will ring. But should one have a normal temperature reading, they will then enter the machine to undergo a rapid 360-degree disinfection. With an ultrasonic disinfection atomizer, the gate works continuously to ensure the cabinet is filled with disinfectant mist.
While some may stand in opposition to the idea of a machine that sprays humans with chemicals, PandMedic’s anti-pandemic safety gate guarantees no harsh chemicals whatsoever. With an FDA-approved food grade disinfectant that is compared to solutions that are used to disinfect surfaces in restaurants, the safety gate’s disinfectant mist is safe enough for a human to pass through even while holding a cup of coffee or sandwich in their hand. Despite the fact that it has been proven to kill bacteria and viruses including COVID-19, the disinfectant is even safe enough dogs and other pets to pass through.
In a time where creating innovative solutions to the many problems that have accompanied the coronavirus pandemic, PandMedic’s intelligent anti-pandemic safety gate has managed to transcend the industry when it comes to innovating pandemic preventative technologies. Offering solutions to help maintain safety as well as cleanliness for venues that house large gatherings and groups like airports, hospitals, universities, concert halls, sporting arenas, restaurants and more, PandMedic stands at the forefront of the revolution against fighting a pandemic. For these large-group venues, the gate is able to service 3000 people before requiring its disinfectant tank to be replaced. With this extra sense of protection and sanitization, utilizing the anti-pandemic safety gate restores a small bit of peace in a world of so much uncertainty.