The last month of 2018 was “interesting.”
I had taken quite the sabbatical from working, so I could unwind, reflect on the year that was ending, and prepare for what Drew Hagus is calling a Weird and Wild 2019.
I pretty much stopped looking at emails (other than mission critical emails regarding the new book), and was amazed about how MANY emails I get in a short period of time.
I also took a break for the most part from Social Media. This forced me to stop looking at the iBinky 24/7 and not checking Facebook/Instagram/Twitter all the time.
Followers still saw posts, due to my online scheduling tool, that posted without me. Subcontracting is fun, kids!
I read some books. Quite a few. All highly recommended.
Opportunity by Eben Pagan. I’ve had this book to finish for MONTHS. Irritated with myself for not finishing it sooner. Great eye-opening book for entrepreneurs.
Disease To Please by Harriet Braiker. Hi, my name is Michael and I’m a people pleaser. “Hi, Michael.” This book shook me and has changed me for the better.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I’ve had this book to read on my Kindle for a long time. Watched the movie on Netflix during the holidays, so read the book in one day. Life changing.
Business Evolves, Leadership Endures by Andrea Redmond and Charles Tribbett III Disclaimer: I used to work for Andrea and Charles, when I worked at Russell Reynolds in Chicago in the late 90s. Damn I’m getting older. This book is a timeless example on leadership, and I particularly was impressed on the chapter about leaders with heart. Timely.
I planned on December being a quiet month for reflection and rest. I had no idea on the insights it would provide, and I’m so thankful for the authors of the books that made me grow as a person.
2019 will be a weird and wild year for all of us. Enjoy the ride!