It was roughly around the 80km mark at about 10:30pm, when I started testing my limits. I will never forget this night of September 21, 2019 for the rest of my life. It was one of the most fulfilling moment and I lived it to the fullest. It was a life changing experience as I was surrounded by some of the most extraordinary people on the planet, embracing the joy and camaraderie of trail running. It was an unusual journey through nature, consisting of towering sea cliffs, remote beaches, national parks and beautiful wildflower hinterland.
Yes, most of my friends were busy in a rat race making lots and lots of money and I thought of doing something different. This night prepared me for an extreme adventure, or I should say prepared me for life. It was probably one of the most challenging experiences I have done in my 30 years of life. I got lost in a dense forest in the dark roughly around the Great Otway National Park. It was dark and the marking of the track was not clearly visible, if you miss one marking you might end up in another race, which probably would not finish in even 24 hours. How many of us can even think of doing such extreme adventures? In my friend circle, no one knew what Surf Coast Century was. After seeing my pictures and videos on the social media probably now they might just think of doing it in some point of their lives.
The track of the Surf Coast Century 100km Ultra Marathon was a very challenging course. It was a brutal test of human resilience and it made me cry and laugh. I met some of the most extraordinary people on the planet and this was the real test of human resilience. This was an extreme sport and normal people can die if they try such extreme adventures without proper training. I was training for six months for this adventure, but most importantly, some of the key decisions I took, kept me alive.
I kept my phone switched off for the first half of the race and switched it on at the 50km mark. Many people did this mistake of keeping their phone and Garmin watch switched on in the first half when there was sunlight. As a result, their battery went low and was completely drained out, even after the use of back up. I knew it that I would be needing my phone and maybe my support crew in the second half the most, as it would be very challenging after the 50km. And guess what I was right. I was completely drained out at the 80km mark and got bit nervous as I was not used to running, jogging or walking in the dark. To be honest, I couldn’t even think of jogging or running after the 80km mark as when it is dark, you lose bit of confidence. A small mistake can cost you your life.
When I was lost around the 80 to 82km mark, I couldn’t find any other runners or any red marking signs of Rapid Ascent, the company who organised this ultra marathon. I called my support crew, who were in the hotel and they started tracking me through the race map app. I texted them: ‘I am lost, please help’. My support crew got bit nervous and thought of calling 000. But I guess I was at a certain stage where even God can’t do much about it, forget about 000. When you are alone in the dark in a national park, trust me it might get tricky. I used Google map to find out my location but trust me it didn’t gave me the right answer. I took another key decision to retreat back around 1.5km. Yes, finally I saw the red marking of the turn sign and I got the confidence. I also saw couple of other runners with headlights and it raised my confidence further. I texted my support crew that I am on my way to the last check point at the 86km mark. They gave me a hi-five emoji and finally I was on my way.
Trust me, when I was lost my heart was in my mouth. Even though I grew up watching Bear Grylls, it didn’t make me a superhuman. I did come across some baby Kangaroos on my way, but I kept on moving. My aim was to reach the CP (check point)7 as soon as possible. I had to go under the bridge and then over the bridge when I was about to reach CP 7. I remember meeting two women just 100m away from CP7 and they asked me,
‘Where are you from?’, and they told me: ‘you are an absolute legend doing this 100km challenge.’ I thanked them and finally, I landed at the CP7, the last checkpoint and just 14kms away from the finish line.
People congratulated me as I reached the official last checkpoint, but when I told a woman at the CP7 that I got lost for a km, she advised me to be with someone and not be alone at this point of time in the race. I guess this was one of the best pieces of advice she gave to me.
I finally followed a Japanese runner named Shinji. But later on we got separated and it was Penelope (Penny) who stuck with me till the finishing line. I am so grateful to have met her, as she was a constant support to me and kept on asking me,
‘Are you ok Suki’. I felt so good about it as in this cruel world who cares for strangers or anyone.
Yes, when I run marathons and ultra marathons, I meet some of the most legendary people on the planet. They love humanity, they love nature and they live life to the fullest. These runners were not only testing their limits but setting a goal for themselves which only a few can reach. It also helped me to be physically and mentally strong. It taught me some extraordinary lessons which I will never forget. And to be honest the track was not easy. But there is a saying if it was easy than everyone will do it.

With Penny at the finish line, she supported me so much after 90km as I had almost given up
This race is no doubt a benchmark for first timers doing 100km in Victoria and is setting a whole spectrum of running ability of limitless humans. From the speedsters at the front running around eight hours, to those who have embarked on their first ultra 100km like me, this was the real test of human endurance.
The first 25kms took me along the beaches, with some nice gentle running to begin proceedings. The first leg was coastal areas with some rocky terrain and at one point there was water up to the knee. Luckily, I made a decision to take off my shoes at this point. It ended up being a good decision as once your shoes get wet, it becomes heavier and slippery.
I was comfortably able to reach the 10km mark, check point 1 in little bit more than an hour. It was really cold and windy, and I kept my Kathmandu jacket on for the entire 18 hours and 47 minutes. This was one of the key decisions I made. I saw many runners wearing and taking off their raincoat jacket or long sleeve thermal. The weather was playing the cat and mouse game it seemed. It was windy then rainy then sunny then again rainy and then again windy and at night it was extremely cold. In such kind of extreme weather conditions, you have a lot of chance of catching cold and fever. So, I thought of protecting my body in this extreme weather conditions. In fact, some spectators asked me and mocked me a little bit,
‘are you not hot in the heavy Kathmandu jacket’.
I told them I am preparing my mind and body for the last 50km, as I was expecting an extremely cold night.
The jacket saved my life. After the first leg, the course headed inlands and back upon itself to the start, where runners continue into more of the inland forests for what you might deem the second loop. We finally headed to the Bells Beach at the 15 km mark and the bird rock car park at the 19km mark. The view was amazing, and I was also able to witness a Surfing competition going on in the beach, I was running at.
Finally, I reached the checkpoint 2, 21 km mark at around 10:11am. Since the race started at 7:30am, it roughly took me 2 hours and 41 minutes to reach the 21 km mark. The first leg along the beach, I enjoyed a lot as the weather was clear and I was full of energy. This leg was basically flat from start to finish except for a few terrains over reef and rocks. I took 5 minutes break at this point and finally moved to leg 2 (21km to 49km). It was a mixture of gravel footpaths and narrow single tracks through the bushes. I remember one of the photographers was taking pictures hiding in the bush from the rain. I quickly posed for a picture and he said you have so much energy.
This leg was also not so challenging, but I was carrying a 1.5 litre sprite, which I finished in 10 minutes of the run. I was so thirsty. I refilled my bottle with water at CP3 at around 32km mark. I refilled my water bottle again at CP3A, 42km mark. I was drinking so much water at this time, as I realised staying hydrated is important for my survival.
Finally, I reached the 50km mark, which was also the finish line of the 100km solo run. And guess what I reached here again after finishing 100km at around 2:00am, the next day. When I reached the CP4, I started looking for my support crew Nancy and Hui. I was about to call them when I just saw them coming over towards me. I was so elated, and they informed me that they were here since 1:30pm, as they were expecting me to reach there a bit earlier. I took around 30 minutes break, but I didn’t sit down. I had some rice, dry fruits, water and banana. I washed my face and hugged my support crew, before I departed for the next leg of the challenge. I guess the role of support crew was very crucial. It’s like when the pit crew changes tyres in Formula 1 race, and these support crews were changing my gears. I didn’t change my shoes or socks, but many runners were changing them as their support crew were carrying an extra pair of shoes and gears.
Since my support crew were not driving, it was difficult for them to meet me at every leg of the race. But as long as they were there, I had the confidence that someone is there for me if something happens.
I finally switched on my phone at this point and one of my support crew, Hui, started tracking me through the race map app. It was a great decision, as I knew very well how long the battery of my phone will last and I would be needing it the most in difficult times after 80km. I remember meeting one of the runners a day before in Anglesea, and he told my support crew to kick me hard at the 80km mark so that I don’t give up. I just loved it when he said that. I guess sometimes the patient needs an awful tasting medicine so that it recovers from any kind of illness.
That awful tasting medicine was the last 80km to 100km. The leg 3 of the race 49km to 77km was extremely challenging as it was mostly incline. I was still jogging, running and walking at this point as I still had the confidence that I can do it. I was in a remote section of the coastal dense bushland and it was going on and on. I was just hoping to get out of this bushland so that I can see the sky.
I reached the CP6 (Moggs Creek departure), 77km mark by around 8pm. I rested here for around 30 minutes in a chair and had some amazing soup. The soup was so nice I had more. I also had some bread and cheese and water. I knew that I wasn’t getting any food after this leg as this was the last big stop.
I kicked off by 8:30pm and messaged my support crew that I was expecting to cross the finish line by 1 am due to the depth of course and the darkness. I was also worried about them, as they had to move to a new hotel and had no transport. But they gave me assurance that all is well from their side, I should just focus on my race. As I moved from the 77km mark to 80km, I got a rough idea that the real exam starts now. It was the real test of human resilience.
It reminded me of the documentaries of the French Foreign Legion I used to watch. I grew up watching British Adventurer Bear Grylls, and it reminded me of how he takes crucial decisions in such extreme adventures.
The last leg consisted of an elevation of 426m. It was a hilly start but flat finish. I reached CP7 86km mark, Airleys Inlet, around 11pm. From here on there was no point of jogging or running. It was only walking along the trails. I decided to just walk for two hours in the company of Penny and we passed through the Light House and reached the Urquhart Bluff at the 94km mark.
We kept on walking at the beach and then back to trail and then beach again and finally to the point road knight beach and Anglesea main beach. Finally, we started jogging again till the finish line which was just 200m away. We roughly reached around 2 am but trust me it was 18 hours and 47 minutes of torture. Most of my friends can’t drive this much without a break, we ran, jogged and crawled. We proved, is there anything which is impossible? Is there any human which is limited? We all have the capability to change the world and make an impact. I remember giving an interview at the finish line and I said,
‘This is the best day of my life. I will never forget September 21, 2019. You give me a million dollars, but can you give me this finish line feeling?’ I further added that most of us are going through some kind of stress and anxiety and I guess this is the best medicine. When I told some of my friends or even strangers, that I am running 100km, they told me,
‘you need to see a doctor mate.’
Yes, normal people don’t really run so much. But I told them you also need to see a doctor mate for not running 100km. Just imagine if all of us start running, there would not be much stress, anxiety and other mental illness. What is terrorism? It is nothing but mental illness. No one is born a terrorist but it’s the circumstances which makes one. Extreme poverty, inequality results in many kinds of mental illness and trust me running, exercise, meditation helps.
I finally finished this challenge with an epic feeling and went to bed that night with great satisfaction. One of the photographers, Jayden, volunteered to drop me at my hotel and I was so grateful I met him, and we had some amazing conversation on the way. He told me just by taking pictures whole day of runners, he was so inspired that he decided to run a marathon or even an ultra marathon.
Finally, my support crew opened the door and I gave them a hug and a hi-five. Yes, it was an impossible task, but I did it. Hui helped me open my jacket and gave me some dinner which they had bought for me. It was an amazing Thai green chicken curry and rice. I loved it along with a roti.
Nancy and Hui informed me how worried they were about my location when I called them at around 81 km mark. Yes, it was a challenging assignment and I celebrated by taking a hot shower and going to bed. I still couldn’t believe what I just did when I was in the shower. I remember sticking a pamphlet of Surf Coast Century in my room and I use to meditate for five minutes every day for six months watching it and visualise the finish line feeling.
My friends and family couldn’t believe it but trust me no human is limited, and nothing is impossible. Everyone is a born runner, it’s just that you haven’t tried it yet. I met some limitless humans in my running journey, which I will never forget.
I was also grateful to have met another friend of mine, Terri McCarthy, who was there to cheer for me as she was also doing 100km relay with a team of four runners, each running roughly 25km. I am also thankful to some extraordinary spectators who were jumping from checkpoint to check-point to support myself and other runners. It was just so beautiful to see everyone supporting one another irrespective of their background, colour, race, or culture. Yes, sport unites people and we need more sports and more runners in this world.
People always ask me why do you run so much, in fact 90% of my friends don’t really care whether I run 100km or 1000km, but I run for the 10% of friends, who support, me cheer for me, motivate me and tell me,
‘We need more people like you’.
I am just chasing my dreams by running. My friends are also chasing their dreams, but for them success is money, power, job status, citizenship status, a big house and a sports car. But I am not chasing that. I am chasing permanent happiness and that is following my passion for running, my love for media, helping others, connecting to nature and building human connections.
Most of my friends are chasing temporary happiness and those material pleasures are not going to last forever. Your job status might not last forever, but your passion might last forever till your last breath. Steve Jobs was successful because he loved what he did. Yes, having a job is important, having money is important, as poverty is not a great experience, having a roof over your head is important, having a car is important, having a beautiful partner is important, but I am saying living life is also important. When I am running, I am living my life to the fullest. I can feel each and every cell of my body. I am in my element.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been insatiably curious about human potential. I want to know the true potential of a human being and what makes people genuinely happy. Why do some people struggle while others find a way to prosper, often despite the most challenging circumstances? I know people in some of the most difficult parts of the world, who have no money, no roof, no electricity but they just have hope. And hope is a very powerful word in the English Dictionary. Trust me I just had hope that I will be able to finish this race as I know very well, many people in this world cannot do it. I was just trying to have a strong will power and determination. I was bit nervous and bit confident but what kept me going was I had hope and willingness to succeed. Everyone wants to be extraordinary, but they are doing ordinary things. How can we achieve limitless things if we are not even trying hard?
I remember interviewing the co-owner, director and event manager of Rapid Ascent, Sam Maffett and he said to me, the Surf Coast Century is the number one thing to keep you engaged and the track has lots of variety. ‘Each leg consists of 25km and is very different from other legs of the course. Leg three is the most challenging route as it is the hilliest. The tracks till the check point 6 are runnable and walkable. From Checkpoint 6, runners might feel some soreness but from there it is just getting home as runners will get satisfaction that difficult part is done,’ Sam said. Sam further added: ‘one will pass the Light House later on and there is no doubt that there is so much variety on the course that it sucks you on. There are 7 check points, so you don’t have to carry lot of water or food. Support crew can help you change your shirt and shoes at various checkpoints.’
One important advice Sam gave to runners are that checkpoints are like magnets, but you have to get going. Even if you are walking it will eventually help you reach the finish line.
‘There is progressive cut off for each leg, but there is no ultimate cut off here at the finish line. The last person might finish by 2am,’ he said.
And guess what, I finished it at by 2am as I was definitely one among the last 25 people to finish this challenge.
Sam personally is a very adventurous person and he set a goal for himself on his 40th birthday and did the UTMB in France. It was 168km with 10,000m of climb. He finished it in 29 and a half hours. He came 88th out of 2000 and it was a fantastic day, the day he will always cherish.
Talking to Sam was so motivational for me as I was myself doing this 100km challenge. He gave some very crucial advice and I absolutely loved it.
Later on I spoke to Lucy Bartholomew, Australian ultra running legend, who finished the Surf Coast Century 100km solo for the first time, when she was just 16 years old. Lucy also organised a post-race yoga session and invigorating swim to kick start the recovery of runners. It was such a pleasure to meet her as this time Lucy was doing 100km relay along with her family of four, each person running roughly 25km.
Lucy told me that people who are willing to take this 100km challenge are really brave and it is something which is in all of us. ‘People think 100k and it is a big number and they won’t drive that far but I am super stoked to say that people are going to get a go,’ she said.
I asked Lucy how her finish line feeling was after running 100km at age 16 and she replied, ‘it was a lot of controversy when I ran at aged 16 as the age limit was 18 years. I was told that I have to run with my dad and do this special thing to start the race. The race ambassador pulled out because they didn’t want to support the youth running. The finish line was an amazing feeling with my dad and I can’t wait to do that again.’
Lucy finally wished me good luck before we were kicked off from the stage as the elite athlete Q&A was about to begin. All the three elite athlete and Ash Watson, winner of Surf Coast Century, 2018, 2019 and Lucy Bartholomew and Hayley Teale gave us some significant advice, describing the track and what they eat at the race morning. It was one of the most fascinating Q&A, I attended.
The traditional owners of the land played indigenous music and the Mayor of Surf Coast Shire Council; Rose Hodge gave us a warm welcome. I remember she said just arriving at the start line is very courageous, as millions of people won’t even think of doing such extreme adventure.
‘To reach the start line of this event is a great achievement and to reach the finish line is even greater,’ Miss Hodge said.
The same weekend, the council was also celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the Great Ocean Road construction.
‘We welcome both competitors and supporters to the surf coast century through our event grants program,’ she added.
Most importantly, Lucy mentioned at the Q&A that there were 40% female in the event, so we need to be super proud of that fact.
‘You have won the race by even just getting to the start line, by entering this event, having the balls to try something like this as most people in the world would not even dare to try,’ Lucy said.
The most important advice she gave was that the first leg is full of sand and coast so don’t try too hard but just enjoy it.
‘Eat often, smile and just say thank you and be grateful. It doesn’t make you a better person if you win and the results of this race doesn’t define you. Make it great!’ she added. I absolutely loved what she said.
Hearing such inspirational words of wisdom, I had to finish this race. Yes, I did finish it after nearly 18 hours and 47 minutes of torture. But trust me I will never forget this day in my life. September 21, 2019 will always remain special as I was living this day to the fullest. Endorphins released made me a happy person. I remember giving an interview at the finish line and I said,
‘I feel amazing. It’s the best day of my life. I will never forget September 21, 2019 in my life. It was a very challenging event and trust me the track was not easy. I have done 21 marathons, and this was marathon number 22 but one of the most challenging things I did in my life. I did 70km in the Himalayas and 60km at the great ocean road, but this was an extreme level.’
‘I think the guy who finished in 8 hours is god, he is not normal trust me as no one can finish this in 8 hours,’ I added thinking of this nightmare route, which was full of surf coast, national parks, hilly terrain and almost never-ending track.
I also said that just finishing this is an achievement as millions of people won’t even think of doing this. ‘I had made up my mind whether it takes 12 hours or 24, I will do it. I am so grateful I met Penny at the last leg, and she inspired me to kept going and she was a real support to me when I needed the most.’ I guess we all need some kind of support in our lives at some point.
When asked about people doing lots of marathons is it worth it, I said,
‘Absolutely, I am trying to inspire people as we need to have a running culture. Trust me all of us are going through lot of stress and anxiety and for me it is the best medicine.’
The next day was recovery day and we went to get a Chinese massage at Geelong after having some amazing lunch. My legs were sore, and the massager said in mandarin to my friend, ‘no pain no gain’. I was yelling in pain as she was rubbing my feet, but she told me to calm down. After 30 minutes of massage, I was feeling a lot better and was able to walk for a while. Later on, as I got into Melbourne, I went for another round of massage as I was still limping.
Finally, after three nights of proper sleep, I felt good and recovered completely from any kind of injury or soreness. I am looking forward to the next adventure in May 2020 at Ultra Trail Australia, 100km challenge. I wish to specially thank my support crew who were constantly there to support me.
To be honest, my family do not call this an achievement. For them success is defined by my job status, how much money I have in my bank account and whether I am married or not. It’s a typical Indian mindset and I never even told them that I am doing this extreme adventure, as I always love following my passion and dreams. For me such kind of challenges, helps me prepare for life. Yes, life is full of obstacles and challenges and I am just preparing myself for life when I am running such distances. It was a great sense of fulfillment for me and trust me the biggest lesson I learnt was not to give up.
One of the key decisions I took at Leg 1 was taking off my shoes since I didn’t have an extra pair
Running taught me to take key life decisions (starting leg 1 of the Surf Coast Century)
I had given up at the 80km mark, but I kept walking the last 20km, as I knew even though you are walking eventually you will finish it. Secondly, finding a support person in the last leg is very crucial. I was grateful I met Penny, and we kept on motivating each other. I guess the last leg of any marathon is very crucial and we all need some kind of motivation and support. I generally motivate other runners and they motivate me back. It is just a norm, I follow in life, which is to help others and motivate people who have given up. It actually makes your life better and your journey easier.
I am meditating when I am running

Blackmores Sydney Marathon Festival, 2019 was a warmup for Surf Coast Century
It was my dream to run at Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, 2019 and I finished the 42.195km Marathon in around 4 hours and 55 minutes. About 10 minutes of improvement from last year. This was just a week before the Surf Coast Century. I was not so happy with my timing but when I met some of the most incredible people on the planet and I interviewed some of them, I was just so grateful to be there. I came across some extraordinary people, who came from across the world for this event. Over 40,000 people crossed over the spectacular Sydney Harbour Bridge and the course records were smashed – what a day and what a feeling at the finish line. I was able to interview some amazing runners and some of the happiest people in the world.
There were over 1200 volunteers and the event was so well organised. This could not have happened without all of their support and dedication. I have learnt some incredible lessons in my life through marathons which no institution or family taught me. My school, university, parents, family, friends, work mates, even strangers taught me to build my CV; but running marathons taught me how to build life.
The suicide rates in Australia every day is really high. I am just trying to build lives and having a running culture by helping people overcome their stress and anxiety. Yes, the suicide rates are extraordinary in Australia and unfortunately never gets reported in the media (Yet, Australians are living in one of the wealthiest countries, not in difficult parts of the world like Syria, where innocent children die of chemical weapons). The death rate is predominantly high among youth males (some of them under the influence of drugs) and indigenous people who have faced brutal atrocities in the past. People from LGBTQI community, black Africans, disabled often face discrimination and it’s hard for them to even get cleaning job in this country.
There are many reasons that people commit suicide. The pressure to succeed is very high and people are going through lot of stress due to their career, relationships and health issues. I am just trying to create a running revolution so that I am able to save lives. According to WHO (World Health Organization), every 40 seconds, someone in some part of the world dies by suicide, the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29 years (2019). I am just trying to save people’s lives by raising awareness and empowering people suffering from mental illness by running.
I met some extraordinary people from around the planet at the Sydney Marathon, 2019, who were all running for a cause and raising awareness of issues around us to make this planet a better place.
My family, university, schools taught me to be in a rat race to make lots of money, to get a job status, to buy a big house, buy big car, get beautiful partner and according to them that was being successful. But I was chasing something else. I was chasing the finish line feeling of a marathon. Yes, I have completed almost 21 marathons by now and September 21, 2019 was my 22nd one and probably the toughest one so far and the one I will never forget. Most of my friends are chasing temporary happiness and I am chasing permanent one and that is making human connections, running marathons, helping others and saving the planet.
Just imagine if the whole world start thinking like that, the world will be a much better place. We need positive, courageous people in the world today.
Sydney Marathon, I had planned was just a warmup for the Surf Coast Century. I landed from Melbourne on September 14 around 2pm in Sydney. I directly went to the town hall to collect my bib and met some extraordinary runners from across the globe.
I met Dennis Boneva and her friends who flew from USA for a holiday in Australia and a marathon was one adventure they were trying. I also came across Natalia, who was celebrating her 24th birthday by running 42km. I waved to her and wished her Happy Birthday when I came across her in the marathon. I also met Ben Swee, a running coach from Singapore, who was there to test his limits at the Sydney Marathon. Ben was also with his family for a holiday. One of the most interesting guys I met was Cesar who was running the marathon with a bucket on his head, raising awareness of water crisis in some of the difficult parts of the world. Cesar have been running across the world raising a huge amount of money to change lives and make an impact. I was really inspired to hear his story. Yes, these are the limitless humans I met in Sydney.
Hearing every other runner’s story, I was aspiring to finish the race in under four hours, but the weather was a bit warm, so I did struggle a bit. But compared to trail running, trust me running on roads is so easy. Like last year, the race kicked off around 7:05am at Milsons point. Passing on the pacific highway, we passed on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, then to the Royal Botanic Garden, passing Hyde Park, Flinders Street, Sydney Cricket Ground and taking turns and turns at the Centennial Park. Finally retreating back the same way we took a left turn from the Royal Botanic Garden and went to Pyrmont and finally one way back to the finish line at the Sydney Opera House.
I met a guy from the Japanese Navy and an American woman named Kathy in the last leg of the marathon. We kept on meeting again and again and motivated each other to finish the race. As usual there was a completely positive atmosphere and I unlocked my creative potential by running such a marathon. I am just trying to become the best version of myself by running such a distance. There is a saying every child is an artist but the problem is being artists when we grow up. How are we losing our creativity when we grow up?
I truly believe the education system needs a major change as they taught me to be in a rat race and get into the box of responsibilities. The school taught me to judge a person by their grades, and failure is bad. We are not defined by our grades and ranking. We all have some creative potential and schools and universities needs to be more fun, entertaining and sporty for the creative development of an individual.
I can proudly say today that running marathons taught me to build a fulfilling life. Yes, if I can inspire one individual who has given up on life, then it’s worth living this life. We all are limitless humans and have superhuman abilities, it’s just that we are struggling to realise it.
My Book Limitless Humans available on Amazon!!