Are you aware of your personal atmosphere? Chances are you are not. Few people take the time to fully assess the atmosphere they exist in. In order to life a joyful life or even achieve any form of success, a person must begin to take notice on the atmosphere they are living in and how it impacts them.
First, your environment influences your state of thinking and being. You are then impacted by your observation of what you are seeing every day. You are not separate from your environment. Your environment is influencing your thoughts and feelings and those thoughts and feelings are then again influencing your environment.
It’s a cycle which keeps you locked and trapped in sameness. That is until you make the deliberate and conscious effort to bring awareness to your present experience.
How Thought Creates an Atmosphere
Think for a moment of yourself standing by a body of water. Now imagine throwing a stone into the center of that body of water. What happens next, can you see? If you have ever done this at some point in your life you know that once that stone has hit the water, it immediately creates a wave around the very point where the stone landed.
The stone falling into the water creates a ripple effect around the center. A ripple of several waves each one extending wider and wider. Thought functions in a similar way.
Every time you have a thought, that thought is accompanied by several other thoughts. After all, we don’t think in singular thoughts we think in stories and stories take multiple thoughts.
Each story consist of feelings and feelings are the vibratory tone, sensation that you experience with a thought. Each and every time you exist in one of your life stories you create a field of energy around your physical self. A field of energy created of thought which moves similarly, as the stone creates waves and ripples.
The more you dwell on certain thoughts and feelings the stronger and more concrete you make your thought atmosphere. This is what many of you are fighting against. You have one concept of the way you want to live but the thought atmosphere you are working with has been created for defeat, failure, struggle, sadness and hopeless.
Your thought atmosphere is alive, you may not be able to see it with your physical eyes but it is there. It is a body made up of all the beliefs, feelings, thoughts and ideas you have created in your life.
In order to change your experiences…
You have to be willing to do the necessary work on yourself as well as your environment. Your environment also influences you. So, its safe to say that if your environment is negatively impacting you then that environmental thought atmosphere needs to be looked at as well.
If your predominant thought frequency creates an atmosphere around your physical body, what then do you think happens with the environmental atmosphere of a group of people living or working together?
Where ever you place a group of people together of different mental or even emotional states, something significant happens. Eventually everyone begins to move into a similar mental, as well as emotional state. There is a synchronizing of mental, emotional and sometimes physical states.
It goes like this…
You observe what is going on in your environment, be it friend, something on the news, a daily gossip session with your coworkers. Whatever it may be, you are observing, as you do you are feeding your mind these stories. These stories then become incorporated into your internal thoughts and then you ooze out, thought feelings from your mind into your thought atmosphere. Do you see how it works?
Sometimes you get so emotional about those stories that you get trapped in an emotional spin with what ever is going on. Especially if you are having a hard time with someone its hard to let go of the constant thoughts you may have about that issue you are having. You and that other person becomes locked into a psychic thought atmosphere.
The Contamination Happens
The contamination happens when you do nothing about this awareness. When you choose to swim daily in a cesspool of dirty energy, like swimming in dirty water. Who would accept swimming in dirty water? Certainly, you would say no, yet everyday you are diving in dirty energy and doing absolutely nothing about it.
If your environment is spiritually polluted then so will your personal atmosphere become polluted. What do you do? Raise the atmosphere in your personal space and limit the time you spend with others who keep your atmosphere polluted.
Here Are a Few Ways to Clean The Energy in Your House….
- Limit the time spent with anyone who has no emotional control. If it seems hard to do with certain people, then create a plan in your mind, rehearse it if you have to. That way when they come you already know what to say and how to move away quickly.
- What thought frequencies are you letting into your space thought the television? Choose to watch what elevates you. Someone may want to watch a very violent movie, but only you know the fear or damaging feelings that this produces in you. So, be polite and make your exit.
- What sort of conversations are you engaging in with your friends? Do they level you feeling inspired or do they leave you thinking of more poisonous stuff? No need to argue, just take the conversation to higher ground and if they aren’t willing to come along, make your exit.
- Speak light into your atmosphere. Just as you would dedicate time to praying and meditating for the things you want in your life, its just as effective to pray for a clean, wholesome atmosphere which supports you being and living well. The thoughts you have about your atmosphere adds to the atmosphere, so you can speak and pray upliftment even it is not there yet.
A successful life is a life of balance. Your thought atmosphere coupled with your environmental atmosphere can determine your success of failure. The key is to enhance both, as both work in tandem.