For some time now, the evolution that has taken place in work processes, characterized mainly by the introduction of new products and service technologies, has motivated people to start looking at health in the workplace from another perspective.

Bearing in mind that one of the greatest assets of any company is its workers, it is advisable, not to say obligated, for companies to dedicate human, technical and economic resources to protect and promote the health of their employees by giving them mental health training.

The reduction of occupational accidents, as well as occupational diseases and health surveillance in the face of the specific risks existing in workplaces, has usually focused on occupational safety and health actions.

The definition of health itself (Health is defined as a state of equilibrium and wellbeing of physical, mental and social nature, that is, it does not refer only to the absence of disease.), It indicates the existing “types” of health, physical, mental and social.

Mental health and its promotion within the company

Mental illnesses and behavioral disorders are a growing problem that is estimated to affect one in four people throughout their lives.

How can a company know if its mental health is “damaged”?

A) Signals at the organizational level.

•    Unfinished work, loss of productivity.

•    Increase in errors, decrease in quality.

•    Complaints in customer service.

•    Increase in sick leave and/or consumption of psychotropic drugs.

•    Work accidents linked to stress.

•    Impairment of teamwork and between departments or services.

•    Low motivation or frustration of expectations in the work teams.

•    Presence of psychosocial risks in the organization.

•    Attitudes of concern or rejection of workers with possible mental health problems among the work team.

•    Absence of health training.

B) Signs at the individual level

•    Changes in the habitual behavior of a worker: altered behavior with maladaptive patterns of non-compliance with the job role, excessive irritability, apathy, inhibition, impulsivity, isolation, communication problems, and inadequate hygiene habits.

•    Increase or severity of interpersonal problems with colleagues, supervisors or users.

•    Hyper-reactivity and/or low tolerance to situations of uncertainty or changes in work routines inherent to the work activity.

•    Changes in mood (for example frequent crying, outbursts of irritability)

•    Increase in absences due to illness (including short periods) and without justification.

•    Condition of chronic diseases that imply deterioration of functional capacity (such as neurological ones)

•    Experience of specific stressful situations with repercussions on mental health (trauma, death of a close relative, separation)

•    Perception of risk for oneself or for third parties (by the worker himself or second persons).

Examples of strategies to promote mental health at work

•    Promote active participation and decision making among workers.

•    Clearly define the functions and responsibilities of them.

•    Promote the reconciliation of work and personal life.

•    Promote respect and avoid derogatory or discriminatory attitudes.

•    Properly manage the workload

•    Promote ongoing training.

•    Have procedures for the resolution of conflicts.

•    Recognize the work and contribution of workers.

Elements to promote mental health

•    Create rewarding and stimulating work environments

•    Give workers the opportunity to improve their skills, including self-confidence and social competence.

•    Promote greater participation of workers in decision making.

•    Recognize the importance of controls as a key element in supporting workers.

•    Create positive work environments and clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

•    Reduce the sources of stress at work and develop resilience to stress through coping strategies.

•    Promote the company culture, participation, equity, and justice, and eliminate stigma and discrimination at work.

•    Support, retain and hire workers with mental disorders.

•    Develop and implement strong mental health trainings and well-being policies.

•    Monitor the impact of these policies and interventions.


The promotion of mental health in workplaces will allow:

•    Create positive, rewarding and stimulating work environments, as well as an organization that supports its employees.

•    Reduce the sources of stress at work and develop resilience to stress through coping strategies.

•    Promote the company culture, participation, equity, and justice, and eliminate stigma and discrimination at work.

•    Increase the efficiency and productivity of workers.

•    Reduction of work absenteeism.

•    Economic savings for the company.

•    Protects and improves the image and value of the company.

•    Improve the commitment of workers with the company.

•    Reduce costs and activity interruptions.

•    Etc.
