Are you accepting and adapting your introversion?
I founded The Visionary Introverted Woman brand and community, this year. This story forms part of my journey to owning this persona and niche. I believe that at some point in life, it is important to step fully into who you are.
The picture of me that accompanies this post is one of my favourite pictures. It is prominently placed on a cabinet in my living room. My friends have described it as stunning.
I had my makeup professionally done for the first time, I wore a lovely shaped frock for the first time, bought my most expensive shoes, bag and accessories for the first time, and I had a makeover shoot for the first time. It was my 40th birthday, lots of firsts. I was going all out to send my subconscious a message to say “You Matter! and It’s ok to be you”.
It is not the only reason why I love the picture. I love the picture because it represents the first time I courageously let myself be seen. I danced, sang on stage, gave a speech, in short I let myself be double seen and heard.
Someone might say, “big deal, I do these things all the time”, but, no one but me knew that quietly I was being resolutely courageous. I was stepping hugely out of my comfort zone. There was no going back, I had to now “own it and work it”
The truth is I really didn’t care for being popular or overly exposed, after all as an introverted woman, having too much of that can be a nightmare to keep up with. But, I looked at my life up until then and realised, I needed to show up powerfully, and as Michelle Obama would say “become all that I am mean’t to be”.
Looking back now, I realise that I adopted a persona, what we call “avatar”. Thinking about this makes me smile mischievously.
It is important to realise that accepting your introversion, and being willing to nurture your “avatar”, i.e the person you need to show up as to achieve your goals and fulfil your full potential, is the courageous thing to do.
Like me you may have despaired about your introversion and got frustrated that you need to become extroverted to be accepted or thrive.
But, having the courage to stand out rather than try to fit in, is what will bring you alignment and fulfilment in life
In accepting who you are as unchangeable, you are able to give yourself permission to nurture yourself to stand out when necessary, so that your soul could find fulfilment. This is exactly what has happened to me on my journey.
My gifts began to find ways of expression, because I had given myself permission and empathy. I began to find means of doing things my way, making sure each time I check to see I am aligned and fulfilled.
The key to achievement is not always change it is adaptability. I believe I am still a “work in progress” and can keep courageously reinventing myself to achieve my dream life.
You don’t have to do it my way, but what is important is to give yourself permission to become who you want to be.
Here are some questions you could ask yourself to help make the adaptability Journey:
1. Who do I want to be?
2. Who do I need to be to achieve my goals?
3. What do I need to do to express my talents and full potential?
4. What does it mean and entail to stand out on my own terms?
5. What actions can I take that are sustainable, feel good and aligned?
There you have it, my Visionary Introverted Woman, how are you adapting to stand out rather than fit in?
If you would like to get in touch to discuss owning and adapting your introversion superpowers contact me