There is nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed, over it and burnt out. Working most of your adult life to get ahead and have something for when you retire, only to get to the point where you would be happy just to throw in the towel and walk away.
No one wants to live like every day is Groundhog Day.
When you are feeling overwhelmed, it can take a while to get into the swing of things. Sometimes you have to stop to look at the world with a clear head. There’s little point in doing anything for the sake of it. If you are going to work hard, it has to be something you want to do.
Do you feel like that?
You may be at that point now – overwhelmed, over it and heading to burnout. It is not just those in business who reach this awful state. It is anyone who is carry more than their fair share of the load. If you are, make sure you ask for help. If you want out of your business, there are ways to do that effectively. If you want to give your business a new life, there are many tools you can use to do that. Or you just need to reassess everything – then do not just think about it, do it.
But if you are not quite there and want to avoid burnout, you do not have to book a week-long retreat or do anything complicated. Avoiding burnout can be as simple and effective as these 10 tips:
- Book time each day to do something you enjoy – walk the dog, have a coffee, go for a swim.
- Delegate and get some help – you do not have to do it all yourself
- You only get one life – take it seriously and look after your health. Eat good food every day, get up and move and drinks lots of water. Time is not on your side.
- Get a grip – if you are feeling overwhelmed, burnout and over it – find a coach to help you (I the baby boomer specialist coach – message me for a free chat)
- Manage your time – learn to balance the important vs the urgent
- NO. You are allowed to say it. If you do not have time, it is too much on your plate, or you just do not want to – say no.
- Nurture your relationships – your partner, your kids and your friends. Work is not always going to be there so do not focus your whole time on it.
- Act now – procrastination is a killer. It adds to feelings of inadequacy. If you are stuck, reach out to ask for help.
- Truth – be truthful with the most important person in your life – YOU. Is the business the problem or is it you?
- Avoid vampires – you know the ones – the energy-draining ones that suck the life out of you, tell you that you can’t or it won’t work. Spend more time with like-minded people.