Group dynamics often come to interrupt workflow in a company. In most cases, the desire to achieve harmony and collaboration at work comes at a cost. Groupthink tends to discourage disagreements in decision-making despite staff members of a contrary opinion to the majority. Groupthink negates the overall value gained as staff members fear being labeled as dissenting few. As conformity becomes the norm in a business, its overall performance dips as no new ideas other than those peddled by those in top management are ever implemented. How then do you avoid groupthink in your organization?

Look out for the quiet voices

Often in meetings, the loudest and quick to respond are not always the best. They may score well in engagement but fail as they rush to speak, not think. Those with dissenting views are typically reserved in silence and often behind the group. As a leader, you must keep abreast of such people among your members. Asking them questions will help them come to light in sharing their contrary opinion.

Appreciate different inputs

An employee may decide, based on experience, to remain quiet and compliant without contributing to the consensus of the day. Their agreement may not be out of complete buy-in to an idea or decision taken but because they are aware that their opinions will not be valued. With little resistance, business leaders can push their ideas through and force them on people. A good leader recognizes that each person’s voice matters, and if given a fair chance at expression, decisions made will be better.

Be wary of employee morale

Employees can be boxed to accepting popular decisions pushed through groupthink. However, when such instances happen, the same employees may not support the ideas pushed through as they were not part of those that agreed to them. Lack of ownership eventually results in to blame game over who is responsible for executing some aspects oacf the task at hand. Infighting can further lead to reduced employee morale.

As you grow your company, you must consider what brings about a diversity of opinion and thought. A diverse team, for instance, yields better decisions and outcomes. Challenging the status quo will result in avoidance of groupthink. Overall, increasing chances for employees to express themselves and accommodation for differing opinions fully will encourage more harmony and collaboration amongst staff members.