Now that you’re in charge of your business and team and everything is running smoothly, you can sit back and enjoy your successes. However, no matter how much you plan, there will always be something you cannot entirely control. Your employees are not superhumans and will certainly make mistakes from time to time and, as a manager, you will need to guide them back on course. It’s easy to come across as bossy and overpowering, but if you want to create a positive atmosphere you’ll need to learn how to manage your team without being overly bossy.
Work with Them, Not Above Them
Remember that you and your employees are a team and even though you might be the boss that doesn’t make you better than anyone else. You chose your team for their strengths and wouldn’t be able to run your business without them, and they should be treated as such. Keep your team in the loop about the goals you have for the business, how you plan to reach them, and how their roles fit into that plan. This will open the door for more collaboration instead of bossiness.
Be Transparent
Some bosses choose to leave their doors open and others have regular meetings with their employees. Whatever method you choose, it’s essential that you encourage honest communication and a transparent attitude. As the leader of your business, you’ll have to set the example by providing honest feedback and information so your team knows they have the freedom to do the same. This will allow you to tackle obstacles before they become major issues and create a more positive work atmosphere.
Praise Success and Never Highlight Failures
More often than not, your employees will be more aware of their weaknesses and failures than anyone else. A leader who constantly highlights their team’s failures will do little else than anger and alienate their team. Let your team know it’s okay to fail as long as they learn something in the process. Be sure to praise your team for their group and individual successes, no matter how small. The harder you work to recognize the effort your team members put in on a daily basis, the harder they will want to work for you.
Remember No One is Superhuman
Even if you feel like you can do it all, it’s just a fact of life that you’re going to need to delegate. Remember that your employees will also feel the same way. Check-in with your team to see how they are dealing with their workloads and adjust accordingly. Everyone works differently and therefore, your approach should be personalized. Sometimes a person will need one task lifted from their plate, while others may need more to accomplish, or implementing a reward system can provide a much-needed boost in motivation.