Knowledge and know-how aren’t a commodity you solely possess; they’re a resource that should be seeded and cultivated by eager apprentices who will then, in turn, bare the fruits of its labor. Expertise realizes it’s full potential when it’s yielded to those with a passion for learning. I’m Samuel Leach, founder and CEO of the UK-based Samuel & Co Trading, and I’m committed to teaching and empowering the next generation of stock market traders to achieve their dreams.

Financial adversities were a recurring theme in my childhood, despite my supportive mum and dad’s best efforts to provide my brother and me with a stable life at home. At one point, in my teenage years, when my parents divorced, my father, brother, and I shared a one-room living situation in a less than modest complex. Economic insecurity became a motivating factor for me to strive for the mobility an influx of funds provides. 

My venture into trading began in my dormitory at the University of Hertfordshire in 2012. It was there where my curiosity and connection with the financial markets grew, and my enterprise commenced.  

While attending college, I sought out the highest paying jobs in my area and almost called oil rigging my occupation, assuming they would have bent the ten-year experience requirement for a novice oiler like myself. A summer internship at a local bank proved to be a turning point in my journey. Working directly with finances and being paid to teach my classmates how to trade cemented what I wanted to make my life’s work. 

I made a bet on myself and took two-thousand-pounds of my bursary, meant to cover the expenses of my schooling and invested it in trades that in one year, netted me one-hundred and seventy-eight thousand pounds.

My company today has grown to over 60 employees. I eclipsed the personal touchstone of a million-pound mark at the quarter-century mark of my life, and if all goes according to plan, I will retire four years from now when I reach the age of 32 to focus on philanthropic pursuits. 

As my company continued to blow past projections and grow in staff and capital, I knew that my philosophy and inner algorithm of trading could help those interested in turning their passion of stocks and manifest it into a fulfilling career. 

With the help of my team, I developed a programme that prepares greenhorn stockbrokers for the rigors and risks of the exchange. Paying it forward felt like a duty I owed to all my mentors and colleagues who inspired me along the way. Without education and an unwavering drive to accumulate as much information as I could, I wouldn’t be as successful as I’m fortunate enough to be. 

Since 2014, Samuel & Co Trading Company has been providing financial leadership courses to both beginners and seasoned traders. The dedication to the curriculum must match the devotion we put into trades themselves. Our comprehensive and varied training approaches allow our enrollees to grow at their leisurely pace or in an accelerated manner. Our free online preparation program provides pupil traders with the tools they’ll employ for the rest of their careers in the financial sector. I created a syllabus that wasn’t available to me during my maturation process, which gives a head start to those with the same zeal for the markets as I had in my early twenties. 

If you connect with the free online program, we implore you to continue your learning and take our other offerings. Our Online Trading Course will delve deeper into forex trading, sharpen your money management skills, help you asses risk, and understand trading psychology. The Wealth Programme will help you utilize analog and algorithm trading strategies while teaching you to remove emotional or previous experience biases to make a successful trade. The Complete Trader offering is a five day intensive with me where we will cover 12 market topics and explore 1-on-1 mindset training. 

In addition to the all-encompassing learning opportunities provided at Samuel & Co, I’ve authored a non-fiction work that’s lessons that apply not only to those intrigued by the markets but to all entrepreneurs and those engrossed in ambitious endeavors. The Formula for Success takes my first-hand experiences and beliefs in business and helps the reader unlock their budding potential. Behavioral mapping, pattern analysis, and practical plans of execution are just a few of the themes explored in the book. 

Investing and trading are reliant on opportunities, preparedness, and decisive action. Chance is, for the most part, out of your control, though you can create moments for yourself, while preparation and decisive action are at your command if you put in the work. Investing in educating yourself from all angles and disciplines in trading will net you dividends, which one can parlay into a career. There is little risk when you bet on yourself. Invest in education and reap your rewards.

Follow Samuel on his Website and Medium
