Tell us about yourself
I was born in Lynn Massachusetts to a loving family. Growing up I excelled in building relationships and experienced great success in the financial industry. Something was always missing. It became such an overwhelming feeling. It wasn’t until I found sobriety that I inturn found my calling. I found myself in a place where all of the things I previously thought I knew were challenged and I needed to create a new reality. This beautiful lesson allowed me to build such a strong understanding of gratitude, life, and love. This gift magnifies my life and I am passionate about reaching into the dark spaces and sharing it with others.
What gives you energy?
At Legacy Healing Center, we have touched over 10,000 lives with our services. Those were mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families that experienced our holistic treatment philosophy and were able to experience real healing; the kind of healing that spans across mind, body, and soul. This along with my beautiful boys Mavin and Max are my why and my driving force. I wake up in the morning knowing that these places are not just a name but that real legacy is being built in each and every one of my facilities. This is what I get to leave to my boys and to those who have been and will be patients here. I am beyond grateful to be a part of this.
What is your secret life hack?
Over the years, one of the things that has helped me exponentially is mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, and journaling. Being present in the moment is a practice that has allowed me to recenter and refocus. This is such a powerful tool that I continue to expand upon and incorporate in many ways into our treatment program.
What is your greatest challenging experience and how did you overcome it?
One of the earliest greatest challenges I’ve had to overcome was dropping out of highschool as an adolescent. The challenges that I faced afterwards such as having to get a GED, and find a way to become financially stable taught me so much about myself. Though I did not experience what some would call the conventional avenue to success, I was able to work hard to obtain multiple licenses and certifications and blazed my own way. This very early lesson taught me that even if our paths take us down the scenic route, we are still able to create and live our dreams. This lesson helped me through addiction and later sobriety and a number of other very difficult experiences in my life.
Name a book that changed your life.
Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt and Failure by Guy Winch PHD. This book triggered some great emotional exploration for me. It helped me to identify a lot of trauma and shame and to really address those feelings head on.
Tell us about your relationship with your phone. Does it sleep with you?
In this business, being available to quickly respond to emergencies, inquiries, etc is a necessity. However, I find that being able to unplug and be still are qualities that are no longer an option. This balance has allowed me to be a better man, father and leader.
How do you deal running a business and being in recovery?
Being in recovery has allowed me the opportunity to see with new eyes. Having that skill, I believe is imperative in this business. I possess both business acumen and the emotional intellingence to navigate behavioral health as a whole. This duality has allowed me to foresee potential pitfalls and adjust accordingly.
Why did you choose to go into the addiction recovery field as a career?
I did not choose it. It chose me. There was no denying that the need for a facility like mine was present. However, the more I denied it the pull became stronger. Until finally I retired from financial services after twenty years. I am grateful for the skills, relationships and resources that continue to support and expand this mission.
When was the last time you felt burned out and why?
I allocate time daily to rest and recharge my body, meditating and taking naps. No different than scheduling a doctors appointment, I schedule time daily to check in with me. This is what allows me to keep perservereing in the way that I do.
When was the last time you felt you failed and how did you overcome it?
I don’t believe in failure. I believe in experiences. Each experience is a lesson and an opportunity to learn and adjust if the outcome was not a favorable one. You get to choose what you do with that experience. It’s all about perception.
Share a quote that you love and that gives you strength or peace.
The one that continues to replay in my head is a Tony Robbins quote… “The past does not equal the future.” This is a constant reminder that we get to decide moment by moment what and who we want to be and show up as that person for ourselves and for others.
To learn more about Marc Effron follow him on Instagram or Facebook.