In today’s world we hear a lot of buzz that AI, Machine Learning are transforming even in sales functions to stay ahead of the game. However one thing which will always remain is which go with an old saying “People will buy from People they like”. How to build rapport with your potential prospects
As a salesperson one should always understand no one is going to give you the order right away when you meet, speak with your prospect for the very first time. Its as simple as you cannot ask to marry someone on your first date.
In sales, building a rapport with your prospect is very important, as it inadvertently helps both the prospect and the sales rep to sort everything out. We need to have that strong relationship as it enables you to be at a level above the others as it helps in smooth communication because it allows people to be at ease.
Below are some tips to build rapport in sales:
- As a salesperson you have to be genuine as in simple terms “Be Yourself”. Don’t try to be anything that you are not. Relax, Smile and go with a positive attitude, good things will follow.
- Develop you listening skills, in order to build a great rapport with your prospect its important to listen what your prospect speaks because it will make easy for you to understand. Always listen to understand and to reply back to your prospects.
- Use the prospect’s name in your sales conversation as has its own effect as they find you a bit more friendly and approachable. To have a great bond with your prospect, try using their name as it can have a great impact.
- Be warm & friendly, approach rapport building with the intend be warm and friendly.