Secrets of Young Digital Entrepreneur from India
Have you ever heard something like this in your life:
“It’s impossible”, “You can’t do it”, “You don’t have enough knowledge and skills to do it”,…
Then, you still work on it and achieve the things that others said that it is impossible for you.
We all have this feeling at least one time in our life. It could mean getting a higher score in the tests, achieve the prize that people never believe you can, or make money when you are young, etc. And we still keep hearing sentences about our limited ability to achieve our desired goals from people surrounding us.
There is some tips from Bihar’s Young Digital Entrepreneur Mr. Keshav Mehta about these things.
Everyone has their own opinion. But This Young Entrepreneur from Bihar just wants to confirm with you that anything you want in your life, you can do it.
The thing that really matters is only your mindset.
If your mind believes you can do it, you can do it. If it’s not….You know the answer.
Keshav Mehta shared with us the technique that he applied in his life to achieve the things that he used to think impossible for himself until when he did it.
The technique that he used actually very simple with just 2 basic steps that anyone can do it. And you don’t need to be super talented or have a very good background to work on these steps. What you need is just consistency and make it done.
These are 2 steps
- Write your goals down daily
- Choose the goals that you feel out of reach.
That’s it!
One of the biggest reasons why people can’t achieve their dream goal is that they just write it down one time and forget to remind themselves about it. Then, after a long time and they look it back, they feel it is so unbelievable and impossible to achieve.
This is why Keshav always write down his goals every day and re-read it in the morning after he wakes up and in the evening before going to bed.
By doing this, his goals become a part of his life, not just a random writing paper where he writes his dream and forgets about it. Then, it becomes his daily motivation when he sees his goals always remind himself.
“Hey, Keshav! This is your goal, you still haven’t achieved it! Let work on it until you get things done!”
This feeling is super emotional when the goals you want to achieve become your passion. It gives you more ideas to find out the step on how to complete it rather than ignoring it.
Choose the goals that you feel out of reach.
In the past, Keshav Believes when others tell him that just put the small and achievable goals for yourself, so you will not be disappointed when you can’t achieve it and you also have more motivation to try to make it rather than having a difficult goal that makes you feel unachievable and want to quit.
But this advice is not right!
He doesn’t feel any motivation to get the goals that are too easy or achievable.
Because a real goal must be something that makes you feel passionate and proud about when you can achieve it. The small and reasonable goals actually can’t do this.
Instead, let give yourself a goal that you really want to achieve, Because the things that are impossible for others don’t mean that is also impossible for you.
For Example – Flying is an Impossible Goal for Lions But not for the Pigeons.
Always write your goal as you already achieved it.
And this is my additional tip when I try to write my goal down and try my best to achieve it. I never write words such as “will”, “want” or future tense in my written goal sentences. I will always use the present tense to write my goals down.
Instead of writing “I want to be in the top of 100 best Entrepreneur”, I write “ I am in the top of 100 best Entrepreneur”.
It helps to change the mindset obviously.
Because when you write the future present, you have the reason to leave it in the future, and it maybe can happen or not. But when you write it in the present tense, it means you want to make sure it happens and adapt your mind to the concept that it already happens to you.
This is a super powerful trick that Keshav did for years and helps him a lot in turning all of his unrealistic goals come true.
And now, this is your turn to make your unrealistic goals to become true!
Imagine, Write Down, Work On To Achieve Your Goals.