A morning routine, a set of habits that are practiced first thing every day, can help with organization, productivity, reaching goals, mental health, and positivity.
What Should a Morning Routine Look Like?
A morning routine should include a set time for waking up, and this schedule should generally stay the same, even on weekends. A set of positive habits should follow.
The first several actions after waking will set the tone of the day. Those actions will affect one’s mood, energy, and mental focus for the rest of the day.
A morning routine is one way to have an incredible day every day, no matter what yesterday was like. It can be the one anchoring self-care ritual in a busy life. And it does not have to be time-consuming. It is a set of small habits that can take less than an hour.
How to Develop a Morning Routine
Establishing a morning routine is as simple as choosing a few intentional actions and sticking to them. After 30 days, these actions should be a habit.
Choose a time to wake up.
Set an attainable wake-up time, and keep this time consistent. This time should not vary more than an hour, even on days off.
Choose a healthy habit.
Maybe it is working out, going for a run, drinking a glass of water, having a fruit smoothie, or stretching.
Choose a hygiene habit.
Do something for a refreshed, healthier physical appearance. It could be a facial routine, a bath or shower, or dry skin brushing.
Choose a reflective habit.
Take time to connect to the spiritual realm. Say a prayer, write in a gratitude journal, or do a meditation.
Choose a productive habit.
Make a to-do list, plan your day in small time increments, or add ideas to your vision board.
Start with just a few actions and do them until they become habits. Over time, more steps can be added to the morning routine. If something does not work, change it out for something new.
A strong morning routine can transform productivity and mental health.