As an individual, you are definitely capable of great things. You can go far in this world. You already believe that you can accomplish a lot in this world. Now all that’s left is for you to become that version of yourself. But you might wonder how to go about doing this. That’s why this article will teach you how to grow as you discover your very best self.
What Exactly Are Your Signature Strengths?
Your strengths don’t have to be something along the lines of being an awesome writer or artist. Think of something that comes easily to you but not to others. Those strengths could be anything from being a good listener to having extremely high levels of empathy. Or your strengths could lie in concrete skills such as programming, having a great sense of style, or being an awesome teacher. Knowing the strengths that you have can get you towards your better self.
Identify the Times You Have Acted In Ways That Have Felt Just Right
We have all heard the advice to follow your intuition. Many of us could be a lot better off if we followed this tip more often. But all of us have had times in our lives when our actions lead us to our very best selves. Maybe you’re at your best when you’re drawing in your sketchbook by yourself. For others, they may find themselves in a peak state when they’re a part of a beloved community. Try and identify times and places where you feel that you can be yourself without fear of censure or self-doubt. These moments can also give you a clue as to how to be your best self.
Try New Things
In our busy adult lives, it can be extremely easy to get complacent. Shake things up a little by trying something new for a change. Think of something that you’ve always wanted to try but didn’t want to make the time for in your schedule. If you’re looking for your best self, now’s the time to fit that activity in your schedule.
It doesn’t matter what the activity is that you want to try. Whether it’s something daring like skydiving or snorkeling, or a more artistic activity like photography or learning how to paint with watercolors, make a commitment to try it today. We’ve all been told that life is short. You don’t know how long you have on planet earth, so engaging in new pursuits could be just the thing to add a new spark to your life.
Reduce Stress In Your Life
Most of us could do with less stress in our lives. The fitness company ClassPass suggests that you try meditation. To meditate, all you will need to do is spend a few quiet minutes by yourself and focus on your breathing. You can enhance your breathing by including essential oil aromatherapy in your session. However you should only use therapeutic grade oils like the ones found at Young Living Essential Oils for best results. Not only can daily meditation calm your brain, but it can also be vastly improved by aromatherapy. It can also help you develop an inner buffer against the stressful events of your life.
Practice Compassion
It’s easy to get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget that there are other people in the world. The website PsychAlive suggests that we could all be more compassionate and generous towards each other. Try volunteering at a local non-profit that serves a cause that’s dear to you a few times a month. If you can’t find the time to volunteer, giving to local, national, or international charities can be one way for you to reach your best self. Even if you can only afford to pay $5 or $10 a month, you’ll still be doing your part to make the world a better, more peaceful place.
Embarking on the search for our best selves is not easy. But it’s certainly worth it if you want to leave the planet a better place than when you found it. When we shine the light that is our best selves, everything and everyone around us benefits from it.