The need to compete is a natural human desire for growth. The only way to sense our level of growth, is through comparison with our peers. Our peers can be a mirror, to how far we have come or how stagnant our lives really are.
If your desire is to get up out of a rut and really shine, then these five must do points will have you shining like a diamond in a short space of time.
In a world where our lives are played out on social media for the world to see, the need to compete can unexpectedly creep up on you. We can become fixated with likes, fixated with approval and fixated with shining brighter than our friends and our neighbors.
You may tell yourself that you are not going to compete. However, when you watch your friends share their lives on social media only to turn out with more likes, which always seems like more approval, we get jealous. We watch our friends get more likes than us which prompts us to do something even better in order to get more likes than them.
Our need to publicly compete is becoming a societal norm. If you aren’t competing then it’s a sign that your life is unfulfilling, or so its interpreted. The general thought is, if your life were truly great then it would be on social media so we can all see.
This causes a great deal of pressure for some people. If this is you, then don’t worry. Its human nature to want to grow, to expand and to be perceived as successful. Everyone experiences this need to validate the worthiness of their life and I am about to show you how to do so in the most epic, yet easy way.
Define Why You Are Competing
Before you can make any move, you have to define why you are competing and in what way you want to outshine your competition. Are you competing for the exact same goal or are you simply attempting to express a more joyful and successful life? I would suggest that you brainstorm and most of all get pen and paper to this process, as it will get you intensely focused in this matter.
Is your need to compete business related or personal? Are you trying to outshine an ex partner? Are you competing with coworkers or just your friends? Are you marketing yourself or a business idea and want to stand out from the rest? Write that down first before you move on to the next step.
Next you need to define, what needs to happen, in order for you to feel successful and that you are winning. This is your success statement. Make sure you write it out in a clear statement as well.
After you have brainstormed why you are competing, with whom and what needs to happen in order to be in the winner’s lane, you are ready to take action.
5 Necessary Steps to Outshine Just About Anyone In the Most Epic Way
Don’t Do What They Do – Its easy to look at someone else’s life who seems to be winning and wish to duplicate what they are doing. Unless you and your competition are working in the same field, or doing the exact same thing then duplicating them will only make you a watered-down version of that person.
Besides if your goal is to compete in an epic way, you want to distance yourself from that person and the method they are using to achieve success. You want to excel in a way, so that even they, can’t match you.
The problem with doing what they do is that you will always be neck and neck with the other person and that’s not your desire to be on the same level. When you do exactly what they are doing, they will eventually compete with you as well, making the process of outshining them an arduous task.
Know that they are many various ways of standing out. And, that pertains not only to your life effort, but in beauty, creativity and any area you want to compete. Know that success has many different faces, many different angles. Choose your own personal way and not their way. Even though what they are doing is good, so to is what you are doing and will be doing.
Bring Your Own Unique Point
There is nothing more exciting than bringing your own unique angle to a situation. Your success does not have to look like John’s success. As a matter of fact, by you doing things in your own unique way you may also get John curious and excited by what you are doing.
Sometimes in business someone may have an interesting product. It may be the same or similar product that you are also promoting. However, if you market it in a very different way, you have the possibility of standing out as new or innovative, simply by presenting it from a new angle.
Don’t Reinvent The Wheel – Just Turn The Wheel Into a Golden Disk
Often when we think about making a huge impact, we immediately think of money, or we think of doing something that has never been done before. Starting something completely new takes time that you may not necessarily have.
Furthermore, the secret to being epic is not in creating something big, but choosing something very simple, something within your reach and then revealing it in an epic way.
At present there may be many little things you are very good at. Maybe there are hobbies that you have that don’t get highlighted in an epic way. There may be many things you have going for you that you take for granted that others may see in an amazing way.
One woman recently shared a story about feeling much anxiety over the fact that her friends were all getting married, yet she had not found a partner that she liked. She was tired of being on facebook, liking everyone’s post while her life seemed so uneventful.
Truth is she was a good photographer but she did not do a whole lot with it. I suggested that she make her photography the source of her free time for the next few months. I encouraged her to go out every weekend, take some amazing shots, edit them and post them up throughout the week on her timeline.
What happened was that she not only gained a new sense of her self as she immersed herself in this hobby, but something amazing happened. One of her friends whom she admired very much, reach out to her and confessed that she secretly admired her creative and exciting life. This friend went on to say that, given the chance she would not trade her freedom and creativity for the life she presently had.
She soon learned from a few more friends of hers, that her work was greatly admired and everyone saw her as dynamic and exciting. Little did they know that this new passion was born out of her struggle and low self-esteem.
What hobbies, talents or activities do you have going for you that make you stand out and make your life seem amazing? What old activities can you turn to, that may bring your life to a level where you are flourishing?
The Diamond is In the Details
The details are what turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Its how you turn a wheel into a golden disk. As every good artist knows, that the secret to epic is turning the ordinary into extraordinary. To do so you must be able to refine the ordinary.
It’s the difference between someone who takes random pictures and loads them up to social media, versus the other who takes the time to turn those ordinary images into stunning captures. The same is true for your own self. What makes you stand out, isn’t getting a whole new face or body but putting in the effort to bring quality to those simple aspects of yourself.
Highlighting qualities that are already there can turn an ordinary dull humdrum aspect of yourself, to a shining new look. Ask yourself in what way can you turn your ordinary into spectacular? That concept can apply to anything. How can you turn the ordinary into extraordinary?
As you brainstorm those ideas, its key that you write those ideas down. You may be surprise by how many ideas will come to you to transform the ordinary into epic by focusing on the small details.
Visualize it All
Visualization is such a powerful way of not only bringing to your mind the fullness of what you want; in the process of visualizing, new ideas which support your goal, will often pop up in your mind.
There is no faster way of making everything come together than by using the law of reality to do so. In visualizing your goal to outshine your competition, you not only get the whole universe to work with you, you also gain greater confidence to do so as well.
Visualization is a bit like sprinkling a bit of magic on your goals. It is the glue which binds all the pieces together. It is the magical part of getting your vision to align and move into place.
When you visualize what you want, you add power and magic, allowing everything to move in your favor. Since your competition may not even be aware of this secret sauce, you will gain an upper hand to win.
Conclusion: Competition at its healthiest form can push you to live to your highest potential, as long as you are not inspired to take others down in the process of your rise up.
Using the power of your mind to already feel the essence of achievement will lead to a guaranteed form of success. Visualize your highest and the universe will support your process making it an absolute success.