On a daily basis or sometimes periodically, it is really a tough task for a team to perform under pressure and to achieve Goals. For example, a meeting to report results, at the time of the presentation, the situation seems to get out of control, the content is not complete, there are failures in the presentation, in the projection or computer equipment, problems with the sound.
An offer is prepared to a potential client and during the meeting, you discover that the competitors have raised arguments, benefits that you have not contemplated in the proposal.
You have agreed on a commitment date for delivery of a good or customer service that is close to being met and you discover that there is a considerable delay.
A situation of chaos has arisen, actions have been carried out, modifications have been made in the way of doing tasks, however, the feeling is that you are in a vicious circle from which there is no way out.
The above cases are examples of work situations under pressure and stress appears. There is a perception of chaos or situations out of control, insecurity to complete a task, to achieve a better result, and above all, time is very limited to carry out the activities.
When there is stress, there are negative thoughts, emotions, there is a rush; These variables influence the ability to make sound decisions resulting in errors, further limiting the ability to create constructive scenarios.
There is something positive during work pressure. When enough time and resources are available in the environment to carry out an activity, everything is simple. The acid test is when labor pressure is presented.
With stress at work is the occasion to measure how developed are the leadership skills, emotional intelligence, self-confidence that allow having an adequate performance to make quick and effective decisions.
In these situations, it is necessary to resort to experience to overcome anxiety, achieve high performance in work under pressure, and get new learning from the current situation.
What can you try to achieve high performance under pressure?
- Act responsible
If something characterizes moments of stress, it is the feeling of not being in control of the situation and acting hastily to “put out the fire”.Anxiety intensifies when there is perceived to be no control. Focusing on what you can control helps restore serenity and increase the ability to work under pressure.
From that moment, calm recovers, which is key to acting in an organized way, focusing on what is being done and what is going to be done.
What you have no control over Is it something that really influences? Could it be that due to stress the problem is magnified? Could it be that by acting calmly you can discover some element that solves the situation?
- Think out of the box and experiment
A phrase says “if you want to achieve different results, do something different”.
If the conventional actions, if the steps contained in a work procedure, are not generating the expected results, it is time to think and act differently.
Remember, all tasks and processes can be improved, this is achieved by changing the focus “We have always worked like this”.
The following questions open the focus to think differently.
- How about applying best practices that have worked in other industries?
- What can work from the best practices produced in areas other than the business environment?
- Have you thought about whether your current thinking focus is limiting the results and/or the source of stress?
Thinking differently, out of the box, contributes to high performance in work under pressure.
- Is it a challenge or a threat
As for the stress-provoking situation that represents a threat or a challenge?
Focusing on one or the other perspective determines the response to this type of scenario.
A challenge represents the opportunity to develop new skills, new capacities that allow progress; It is a principle of high performance in working under pressure, and making good decisions. Viewing it as a threat represents an obstacle to performance.
- Empower yourself
Previously it was mentioned about the need to have control of the situation.
Great help for this are positive thoughts, as it avoids focusing on difficulties; Having positive thoughts allows you to decide which side to be on and to focus on objectives that allow you to visualize possibilities.
How does thinking positively contribute to high performance at work under pressure?
- It helps generate better ideas.
- It allows us to adapt to changes in a better way.
- A leader with positive thoughts motivates his collaborators.
- Improvements in personal relationships.
- It helps to focus on the learning that mistakes leave.
- Positive habits contribute to developing a successful mindset
Have you reflected on the possibility that the feeling of stress is related to a habit that must be left behind? For example, undertaking a renovation project after a long time of having worked with the same work scheme, carried out routines in which they do not represent a major challenge. Faced with changes, habits offer resistance and that is when you have to have the capacity to replace them.
Perhaps working under pressure is a wake-up call to change habits that are no longer favorable. You develop the habits yourself, select those that allow you to empower yourself and ensure high performance in work under pressure, and be more efficient.
- Focus on tasks
Is there a lot to do and you have no idea how to do it? The most appropriate thing would be to spend time gathering the tasks to be carried out and preparing a plan to be clear about what you want to achieve and how to achieve it, through the tasks of the plan.
Stress appears when there is paralysis by analysis or this state causes it, so it is best to act and with greater reason when the objectives are defined.
When the goals are completed and it is verified that the plan is moving forward, it will help reduce stress levels.
- Time management
Characteristic in stressful situations is keeping busy. In these cases, it is important to reflect Do you keep yourself busy doing tasks? Or do you keep yourself busy by being productive?
Since in these circumstances time is limited, it must be properly managed. Therefore, it is key to identify which tasks are priorities, what can be delegated, what tasks can be classified at the end of the pending list, which is time distractors. Time management is a factor in favor of ensuring high performance on the job under pressure.
Regardless of the cause of stressful situations, these are not isolated scenarios, so you must be prepared to face them and ensure high performance in work under pressure for the leader and the managed.
It is not about avoiding these types of situations, but facing them. Challenges represent a good opportunity to develop new strengths or to realize how well you are prepared to face them.
In situations of labor pressure, there is an element that is usually scarce, time. Being busy does not mean you are doing your best; It is important to identify priority tasks, as well as those that do not contribute or are time distractors. Time management is key in these scenarios. You must check the Green Electric Scooters to support environmental activities.
When there is the perception that there is no way out on the horizon, that it is only going around in a vicious circle, a viable alternative is to think differently, to look for how other disciplines are managed. There are excellent cases of how to ensure high performance under pressure in athletes.