I have written about my sober vacations before.
You can read my other vacation blogs here:
All Inclusive Beach Vacation Sober,
Beach Vacay from Blackouts to Making Memories.
Today, I want to share my most recent experience, Spring Break 2021 in Florida.
We spent time in Naples with my sister in law and her young family.
We also had our 3 best friends and their families from our neighborhood,
spending time in the same area.
We ended our trip in Fort Lauderdale with just the four of us.
Needless to say, we had a blast.
My husband had golf buddies, my kids had a group of teenagers to hang out with, and I had a Spa Day and Ladies Night with my Card Club.
We were on a pontoon boat during the day and a catamaran cruise at sunset.
We had the best food around the biggest tables.
We relaxed at the pool and at the beach.
We explored the ritzy areas, the historical areas, and the late night hot spots.
It was so fun to vacation with friends.
Alcohol was never even a thought for me.
There were no nerves or anticipation.
At all.
This is a huge change from my first year sober, so if you are experiencing your first Spring Break, hang in there. Things will change.
I notice the benefits of my sobriety all the time and I am no longer tempted to drink.
I can’t see how alcohol would enhance my life, now that I am free from it’s grip.
First of all, the overwhelm of leaving, packing, preparing the house, saying goodbye to my dog, used to throw me into a tailspin.
I couldn’t think when I was hungover.
I would save everything for the last minute.
I would leave the house in an angry fury.
Staring vacations off on the wrong foot, already mad at my family and feeling unprepared.
I now enjoy packing, shopping, and preparing.
I take my time.
I start early.
I look forward to it, instead of dread it.
I plan all my cutest outfits including pajamas.
I want to look and feel my best on vacation.
I treat myself and my kids to mani/pedi’s as a pre vacay treat.
I left my house spotless, knowing coming home to a clean house is my love language.
I made sure my plants had sun and water.
I had a thank you gift prepared for my inlaws who were watching my dog.
It was such a peaceful, easy feeling.
A major turnaround from the chaos I used to create for myself.
And it might surprise you, but I had drinks on vacation.
I had so many drinks.
None of them had alcohol.
I had beer while listening to acoustic guitar.
I had frozen drinks at the pool.
I had coffee and dessert after every meal.
I had a mojito made with mango puree that was incredible, sans alcohol.
I had a virgin Bloody Mary with oysters.
I had a refreshing can of ginger beer while sailing.
I had a few ice cold Beck’s NA in a bottle sitting on the dock of the bay at days’ end.
I never felt like I was missing out.
I never judged my friends for what they were drinking and they didn’t judge me for mine.
It is just not a thing anymore.
Everyone accepts and supports my alcohol free lifestyle.
I am no longer explaining, defending, or getting interrogated for it.
My confidence, health, and happiness speaks for itself.
On Ladies Night there were two of us who don’t drink alcohol and two that do.
When we went to the Blue Martini Lounge with live music there was one of each dancing and one of each sitting.
One got on a table top to dance and it was a sober gal.
On Ladies Night, we played cards and ate from shareable plates.
We laughed our asses off.
We people watched.
We listened and sang along to bad karaoke.
As a drinker, I could never imagine going out for a night on town sober.
When I decided to ditch the drink I was so afraid of losing friends and never having fun again.
I was scared of everything.
I needed alcohol to let loose.
I needed alcohol to relax me.
I needed alcohol to take away my inner critic, soften the noise in my head, and loosen my inhibitions.
My whole world revolved around alcohol.
I couldn’t even spend one night at my Grandma’s without it.
(I had her drive me to a bar to buy a bottle of wine to go).
Alcohol was part of every activity, event, and occasion.
I lived my life with an obsessive compulsion of thinking about drinking.
Since ditching the drink, I have freed my headspace from thinking about drinking.
I don’t build my life and my world around alcohol anymore.
I plan my days around what makes me happy and fulfilled.
I do and practice what aligns with my values.
Alcohol has no part in that.
I experience true joy and delight.
I am free.
I am free to be me and there is no better feeling.
I don’t need alcohol to loosen me up anymore.
I am loose and flexible and accepting of myself.
I am not shoving myself into situations and relationships where I don’t belong anymore.
If living alcohol free wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t do it.
It would never stick.
Joy and laughter are key to my wellbeing, and a top value of mine.
I was chosen as the class clown in high school.
I am always out for a good time.
If I can’t laugh my ass off, be outrageous, and surround myself with witty, funny people, then I don’t want to go.
Alcohol does not equal fun.
Living alcohol free for me is all of the fun and none of the negative consequences.
My brain has rewired and my general sense of wellbeing, happiness, and inner peace far outweighs the quick rush of pleasure I would get from a drink.
If this is what you are seeking, schedule your risk free Complimentary Call call today.