In the current climate, finding joy in your day is more important than ever for our mental health.
I’m sharing a few ways I’ve been integrating fun into my daily routine.

Having something to look forward to on the calendar can really uplift spirits.
For me, it starts with a grounding morning routine. I’ll pick a workout the night before and do it when I wake up before I get to work. This way, I’ve already moved my body and showered, and feel like I’m showing up for myself and my career, rather than just rolling out of bed and getting to it. 

After I get dressed, and by dressed I mean leggings, a sweater and slippers (I’ve been throwing on some jewelry to come across as a bit more put together), I’ll make my coffee and have been really leaning into this ritual.
If you have a morning drink you love; tea, coffee, matcha, how can you make this drink something to look forward to? Maybe the process is enjoyable or the actual drink tastes amazing, but find gratitude and joy in these small routines.I’ve also been scheduling a lot of virtual events. General Assembly is offering free workshops and Six Degrees Society has a constant rotation of light-hearted networking experiences.

I felt like I was in a rut of finishing work, and watching TV every night.
It ended up leaving me drained, so I’ve been creating different activities a few nights a week for my boyfriend and I. Making a list of these activities and putting a day to them makes them much more attainable than solely thinking about the idea of doing it. I’ve been dusting off my creative muscles and painting, coloring in coloring books, cooking, baking, drawing. It’s been refreshing to do activities that can just be fun in the present moment, instead of having an end goal.
