What if you could live life on your own terms and never look back or lose direction again? It’s absolutely possible but many people get the concept of living life on your own terms wrong. Let’s fix that.

To live on your own terms is not when you’re following other people’s advice only because they’ve got more experience. But when you’re carefully calculating and strategizing and then deciding on your own.

I get best results when:

   my morning prayers and meditations are inspiring
   my afternoon prayer and meditation are evaluative and strategic
   my evening prayer and my meditation are evaluative and reflective

Whatever your approach, the goal should be clarity and focus. What do you want to talk about today? What matters most in the next 24 hours?

Read a book a week.

Ordinary people are looking for entertainment. Great people are looking for education. It’s common for the world’s most successful people to read at least one book a week – they’re constantly learning.

You must have read hundreds of books in such a long time. You will master many subjects. You will think and see the world differently. You will be able to make more connections between different subjects.

Write in your journal for five minutes a day.

This habit will change your life. Your Magazine:

Clear Your Emotions, Serving as a Personal Therapist
Describe your personal story
improve your creativity
Grounding and improving your learning
Help you have a clear vision of the future you want to build
Sharpen your ability to manifest goals
increase your gratitude
improve your writing skills

Five minutes a day is more than enough. Greg McCain, author of Essentialism, recommends that you write as little as you want, just a few sentences or paragraphs at most. This will help you avoid burnout.

Create a bucket list and actively dispose of items.

Most people have it back – they design their lives around their ambitions, not their lives around their ambitions (see this free eBook to see how to quickly build your own life). create an ideal life).

What are the things you absolutely must do before you die?

start there.

Then design your life around these things. Or as Stephen Covey explained in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Start with the end clearly in mind.”

A simple mental exercise that can be helpful is to imagine that you only have 30 days to live. What will you do in these 30 days?

Keep internet fast 24 hours once a week.

There is interference in your body when you fast. Your brain and relationships can use one too. Disconnect from the matrix.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, humans are highly addictive creatures. We love our coffee, our sugar, and the Internet. And all these things are awesome. But our lives can be made even better by using these tools wisely.

While there is no quick fix for anxiety, apart from making life changes that lower your overall stress levels, some effective treatments can be found in nature. Reputable companies like Wellspring Meds are dedicated to helping people find remedies for their ailments, including anxiety with natural sources.

The whole purpose of fast internet is to reconnect with yourself and loved ones, so you probably shouldn’t do it on the same day you eat fast, as food is one of the strongest ways to bond.

Stop taking the news or reading the newspaper.

Although the number of human-handed wars and deaths is decreasing around the world, you will not get this message while watching TV news or reading a newspaper.

On the contrary, these media have an agenda. His goal is to overcome his fears by elevating extreme matters – making them appear ordinary and mundane. If they didn’t, their audience would collapse. That’s why Peter Diamandis, one of the world’s experts on the future of entrepreneurship and innovation, said: “I stopped watching the news. They couldn’t pay me enough money.

Get no more than seven hours of sleep every night.

Let’s face it: Sleeping is just as important as eating and drinking water. Despite this, millions of people do not get enough sleep and experience problems as a result.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has found that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 sleep disorders; Additionally, 60 percent of adults and 69 percent of children suffer from one or more problems sleeping a few nights or more in a week.
