We are passing through challenging times while combating the Covid19 pandemic, and there is immense concern for our well-being and our loved ones. Everyone is undergoing tremendous stress due to the uncertainties about the future as no one knows when the pandemic will end or which way it will go. Food and job insecurity, changing financial situations, and crowded households due to quarantine rules and many other disruptive elements are leaving us bewildered. It is taking a toll on our physical and mental health and affecting overall wellness, explains JosephF Lopresti, the founder of an investment advisory firm serving people for two decades.
Telecommunicating can often offer a pleasant break from your routine during regular times. But now that many people are working from home and overusing telecommunication, it is becoming too stressful for them. To stay healthy mentally and physically, here are some suggestions from Joseph F Lopresti, a beneficiary of the good practices that have given positive results.
Start the day with self-care and prepare for the day ahead, suggests Joseph F Lopresti
Many people feel uncertain when they wake up in the morning because they are unsure how to start the day that does not follow the usual routine of regular times. Take about 15 minutes to prepare for your day. During this time, take care of yourself and contemplate the things that you should be grateful for. It could be as innocuous as a safe home, a comfy blanket, or the thought about the blue sky and the blossoming trees that generate a sense of happiness. Do not rush for the cellphone that can disturb your mental calm.
Deep breathing provides stress relief
Before you take the plunge into the day, do some simple breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes. As you gradually come out from your shell after waking up in the morning, it is time to focus on breathing by sparing a few minutes. Practice the technique of relaxed breathing, also known as the 4-7-8 technique. It consists of breathing in till you count 4 and hold it until you count up to 7, then breathing out while you count 8. This technique helps you concentrate on deep breaths that have a pacifying effect on your mind.
Eat well
During stressful times, good nutritionis essential as it helps boost immunity, and the focus should be on whole food and not on dietary supplements. Create a menu rich in plant-based foods, mostly comprising leafy vegetables and fruit that are beneficial for health. Consume diverse produce as much as you can as these are vital sources of phytonutrients. Keep away from sugar and fats, which can be very tempting, especially when under stress. Consume more turmeric and ginger, increase your focus and concentration, and add a bit of rosemary to your diet.
Maintain a modest level of activity that can boost immunity and support mental health. Engage in some light physical exercises like stretching and body movements as part of your daily routine.