We could start this article with the cliché and yet very obvious saying that we all have habits. And we indeed do – no matter if they are healthy or not, big or small, daily or weekly – we all have certain routine that we tend to (or not tend to) stick to. However, it’s very important to keep it healthy, so if you think that your routine is not healthy enough, it would be high time for you to change it. But how can you change a routine? The habits that we have are very difficult to change, but the trick is to start small, and make baby steps. This is your guide to create your own healthy routine.
The importance of the morning routine
The morning routine might be the most important of them all. Waking up and making a cup of coffee while you’re taking a quick shower might be the perfect way to start this. However, in order for your routine to be healthier, make sure to incorporate a healthy breakfast. If you don’t have time to make something at home as you’re on your way to work, you can always allocate 5 minutes and make a healthy smoothie that will boost your body with vitamins. Also, never start your day with a cup of coffee – make sure to drink a glass of lemon water first. Not only will it refresh you, but it will also reduce your body’s acidity levels. Moreover, don’t forget to bring your water bottle – drinking plenty of water during the day is crucial.
The magnesium intake
You can never get high on magnesium, and this is one of the most important elements that you need to take during the day. You can find magnesium in leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale, in seafood, nuts and seeds and even fruit such as avocados, bananas and raspberries. However, more often than not we are not in the position to eat all of these during the day, so in order to have your regular intake of magnesium you can turn to some new techniques. Make sure to equip yourself with a high-quality magnesium supplement that you will have with your breakfast, lunch or even with your glass of water. This is seemingly unimportant, but trust us, you really do need magnesium, as it’s needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. Not only that, but it will help your nerves and muscles maintain their regular function.
Not only should breakfast be healthy
Apart from having a healthy breakfast (which should be your imperative), make sure that you eat healthily during the whole day. Sometimes you won’t succeed in this, but you will slowly grow this habit. As far as lunch is concerned, think in advance. You can always prepare your healthy lunch at home, or simply order something healthy from your favorite healthy restaurant. Your snacks should also be healthy, though – make sure you eat nuts and seeds instead of chocolate and chips. As for dinner – keep it light and healthy. What’s also important for dinner is that it shouldn’t take much of your time for the preparation otherwise, you will probably just give up and order takeout instead.
Relax after lunch
It’s quite normal to feel stressed from time to time, and no matter what you have to do after a long day’s work, sometimes it’s better to stay at home and relax by the TV or reading a good book. You can also find a healthy activity that relaxes you, such as yoga, and practice it either every afternoon or every night. This is also super important if you exercise during the day as well, so it’s not only going to be helpful to your mental state and your brain, but to your muscles as well.
Pre-bed vitamins
Just like with taking magnesium during the day, make sure that you take half a teaspoon of Vitamin C just before going to bed. It’s also a great way to reduce the acidity in your body, and doing every night will definitely result in a healthier body, and of course, healthier mind. It will also ensure that you go to bed well-hydrated, which is once again, quite important.
Mind when you’re going to sleep
Finally, we’ve come to the end of the day. And your routine doesn’t stop here, as you have to pay attention to the last step – going to bed at a reasonable hour. Most experts say that you need around 8 hours of sleep every night, so make your calculations and go to bed when it’s good for your body.
Perhaps all of these are easier said than done, but you can always try and see if you will succeed or not. Bear in mind that a bit of determination and good will will certainly make you change your habits for the better, which is, after all, our goal.