At a global level, we’re more active than ever before on social media. It’s keeping us connected with others and is also a source of news. However, we do need to be mindful of the effects of using it. One of the effects of spending time on social networks is the ‘Fear of Missing Out’.
And this is true now more than ever before. Although most of the world is experiencing set backs and avoiding social experiences, it’s still possible to get caught up in the fear of missing out.
Let’s learn more about what this is and how to beat it to feel productive and happier.
What is the Fear of Missing Out?
Also known as FOMO, the fear of missing out is the anxiety one feels at the idea of not experiencing something important.
This feeling is amplified when you’re on social media. Through the content your friends and family share, it’s easy to believe that other people are better life experiences than you are. We often see the highlights and not the behind-the-scenes of other lives.
Although FOMO can be considered just a feeling, it has a real impact on us in terms of finances and personal wellness. Let’s explore how happens and the best ways to deal with FOMO so that we live our best lives.
How to cope with FOMO
It’s possible to pinpoint the causes of the fear of missing out in our lives. And we can also see the exact ways in which we act on FOMO and how it affects us. Here are ways that we experience and react to FOMO and how to deal with it.
Start with awareness
It’s no surprise that you’re more likely to experience FOMO the more you use social media. If you belong to the Millennial generation, then there’s a significant chance that you are someone who feels anxiety about missing events, life’s milestones, and certain accomplishments. It’s says that 69% of Millennials experience FOMO. This forms the largest of any demographic group. So, start by being aware of your feelings.
Do you feel unhappy after using social media? And do you compare yourself to others? That could be FOMO in action. When you’re more aware about this, you can watch out for other behaviors and deal with them successfully too.
Avoid unhealthy platforms
As tempting as it may be to be active on specific social networking sites, the only way to truly cater to your mental health is to break away from the source of FOMO.
Not all social networks work equally in contributing to the fear of missing out on great life experiences. Studies show that for 72% of the population, Facebook provokes the most emotional disturbances.
You can create a weekly time limit for how much time you spend on social media. You could also switch platforms and be more strict with how you use them. They can be wonderful sources of information and inspiration. Just make sure that you’re using them to grow rather than to compare yourself to others.
Wait before making a purchase.
One of the real effects that FOMO has on you is that you end up compulsively spending on products. Sixty percent of people reactively buy because they feel worried that they’re lacking an important experience. And these sixty percent of people typically buy within 24 hours of feeling FOMO.
A simple but life changing tip is to wait before you buy something because you’re afraid that you’ll lose out on having it. Wait for more than 24 hours and then review whether you still want or need the item you wanted. Chances are that you feel fine without it and you will have saved your money for better use!
Create meaningful experiences in real life
Most people, especially Millennials, feel the most FOMO over experiences rather than products. Knowing this helps, because you can prevent feelings of missing out taking over by adding meaningful experiences in real life. Here are some neat ways to use your time and build creativity that nourishes you from within:
- Join an online art learning site and start drawing or painting
- Learn a new skill like coding, writing, or anything that interests you
- Commit to having virtual meetings with friends regularly
- Go for 30-minute walks daily to boost creativity
- Listen to new types of music
- Try new cuisines and go to restaurants you’ve never been to (with safety measures)
With such meaningful experiences, you’ll turn to real life for personal satisfaction and feel fulfilled.
FOMO is a phenomenon that sneaks up on you unawares. With the help of this post, you should be able to detect it and manage it. Use the tips given here to feel happier and to live life fully in the present moment.