Do you ever feel stuck and tired of the same old circumstances in your life? Do you ever just wish that you could change your life in the most radical way in as short a period of time as possible? If you are yearning for a radical change then the following blue print will open new doors to new possibilities and a new life.
New Door Ways
Sometimes when we are thirsty for a change we wonder where to begin and which steps will bring about the greatest change. When you go that route of worrying and wondering you are already closing yourself off from possibilities. Its very important that you be aware of this key and that is, every single new person, every event, every new move will open doorways to a new story.
Think of it for a moment, you go to a seminar on some self-development program and instantly, you are inspired. Your mind is now open to new avenues you had not thought of before. Maybe you met someone there and that person and yourself pursue a friendship. With that new friendship, new experiences are had, you are introduced to new people and so your circle changes and expands. As you can see the opportunity to change your life, requires nothing spectacular but that you simply take a step which opens new pathways to a new life.
What Do You Want?
When you think of having a new life what does it look like to you? Everyone is going to have a very different perspective on what a new life or a remarkable change looks like. Maybe although you know that you want change, you may not have devoted enough time and thought on what that new change should look and feel like. Now is the time to really dive into questioning yourself and exploring your feelings.
In this first phase, take this time to just go wild. Let your mind explore all of the tiny dreams and desires that have crossed your mind. Explore even the things that you dismissed and told yourself that you could not have it or that it was too big or too out of reach. Write every single one of them down. This is your play time and a moment to explore what you really and truly desire.
To get the best out of this, devote a lot of time to this. Do so for a full day, taking as many mini breaks to process and play with your inner, most desires. Many people live their whole life and never allow themselves to fully explore their desires. They always push those desires away telling themselves that one day they will fully commit to them and sadly they most often never do. Life moves so quickly that one day you will be at an age that is so far gone that your body will not able to sustain that level of vitality that is needed for you to enjoy the experience.
Consulting With Your Higher Self
Depending on where you are on your spiritual journey in life, you may or may not embrace the idea of a higher self. Whether you believe in a higher self or not, you may believe in a connection to an all knowing, wiser voice, which guides you. You are free to believe in whatever truth you care to hold, all that matters is that you know that there is a supernatural guidance system, which answers your call.
In this second phase, connect with that higher aspect. Find a quite space where you can devote at least 30 – 60 minutes of undisturbed time. Play some soft, inspiring music. Then close your eyes and connect with that higher, wiser, aspect. Talk to it, have a conversation as you would a good loving friend. Tell that higher aspect what you really want to experience. Then ask that higher aspect to give you a sign on what to focus on most.
Go even deeper, ask more questions:
What should I do?
Where should I go?
What should I expect?
Will it make me happy?
Who will I meet?
How will I know when I meet them?
What can I do to make sure that it brings me happiness?
What will it look like when it is all done?
How will it enhance who I am?
How can I ensure that it happens quickly and easily?
Observing The Answers
The answers to your questions can come in many different ways. The way it comes to you will be dependent on who you are, now intuitive you are, how easily you explore your imagination, how much open you are to exploring life from a new level.
Clear Psychic Vision –
If you are someone who is comfortable in exploring your inner thoughts, then you may have gotten some of your best answer, best guidance while exploring your imagination. For someone like you, the imagination takes on a sort of dream like quality the longer you stay in that state. While in that dream state, the characters appeal, answers are given and everything unfolds before your eyes like a dream. As you ask the questions, the answer take shape like a dream and you know everything you need.
Intuitive Feeling –
There are those of you who get your answers by a feeling state. You may not know how to explain how you know, its just a sensation that tells you what you need to know. You know when something is right. You know the answer to a question, even though there is no picture, or no one has spoken to you, the knowing is just there.
Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities –
The 3 S’s!!! Another way to get answers from your higher self is through signs. The key with signs, symbols and synchronicities, is that you must be in that state of receiving an answer. You must allow yourself to accept that every single person, thing or blade of grass is vibrating with your question and ready to give you an answer.
When you stay in that limber expecting state, you will be amazed by how amazing coincidences will occur. Some of you may only be aligned with receiving answers in this way, while those who have the clear psychic visions as well as those who have intuitive feelings of knowing all experience signs and symbols as well.
A sign can come as someone just making a suggestion to you to try or do something. That suggestion would just happen to be in alignment with the question you were seeking an answer for. You could turn on your television and suddenly the show that is playing involves a storyline which is also in alignment with the question you are seeking an answer for.
The key to following signs and synchronicities is to know that the universe is absolutely working with you and sending you answer through people and various unplanned circumstances.
Getting Into Your 30 Day Life Changing Boot Camp
When you think of bootcamp you may get ideas of intense hard work but not in this case. This bootcamp should be all fun. The key to these 30 days is not in waiting for a change but knowing that the change has already began, right here and right now. The goal and objective for these 30 days is to open yourself up to as many new people, new events, new circumstances which are in alignment with the vision you have for your ultimate change.
By doing something absolutely new or taking new steps daily that are in alignment with your ultimate life change you open yourself to new opportunities immediately. Every new situation will bring a new shift. Every new person you reach out to, will also open you up to newer shift.
Change happens as a process. It’s like a snow ball rolling and gathering more height, size and substances as it keeps moving. If you wait to see the change only when it has happened, you miss the opportunity to control the shift in the direction that you want. You also miss how soon that change happened because you are only looking at the final display, when the change may have occurred the day you entered that particular room, or shook that person’s hand.
- Write out every new sign.
- Ask your higher self to send you a sign to know if you are on the right path.
- Make a commitment to taking one you action a day or connecting with one new person a day.
- Consult with your earlier list of questions and the answers that were given to you.
- Journal and meditate last think at night.
- Let go of your old routine and your normal link ups in favor or a new routine just for this 30 days.
- Change your normal movie watching and choose a different genre. Movies have a way of opening our mind to new possibilities to give us insight into our own lives.
- Find new people on social media who are coaches who can give you greater insight on the topic or the direction you are heading.
- Find groups online which cater to the new change you are interested in making. Finding support will add more inspiration as well as confidence in staying focused.
Final Thoughts: Your life change starts the moment you decide, with full intent that you are now changing your life. What you do in the 30 days is how you keep the change flowing so that it picks up momentum. The more focused and committed you are to the process the bigger the final shift at the end of the 30 days.