Every parent wants their kids to try out new things, be creative, and be the smartest in the world. That is why you get worked up when your kid chooses not to do their math homework or join the choir at the church, or practice playing an instrument. It is the reason why you get excited when your kid is eager to learn and take on new challenges. You persistently encourage (sometimes lecture and threaten) the kid to relish challenges and embrace effort even when things get tough or boring.

But before you get aggravated by your kid’s reluctance to learn new topics, it is important to understand that most good students aren’t born good learners. They pick up the eagerness to learn from their surroundings. There was a turning point in their lives; the point when their disposition changed their perception towards schooling, education, and learning in a positive way. If your kid isn’t a good learner or has a problem speaking, try speech therapy for children, it is always a solution to these kinds of struggles and your kid will definitely benefit from it. It is your job to provide the right motivation and create the most conducive learning environment for them. Here are 5 proven tips and strategies on how to do that:

1. Limit his/her screen time

Be careful with this one. Don’t dictate to the child as to how much time he/she can watch TV or be with his/her phone. That’s unless it is absolutely necessary for you to do that. The best thing to do is try to control their screen time by introducing new and exciting alternatives. If you want him to learn the guitar, learn it first and then teach him yourself, with utmost love and understanding. Go out with her often just to get her off the couch. Being with the child most of the time and doing outdoor things they like will get their mind off the TV.

2. Invest in video-learning tools

Static information is boring and, to be honest, outdated. Kids nowadays are more into digital content than the bulky bookish stuff. Don’t force the kid to go to the library. It is best to invest in video-learning tools such as videos for K-5 students and other tools that bring static information to life. Videos make your kid’s learning process extraordinary, exciting, and special.

3. Work on extrinsic motivation

Make learning tasks enjoyable by identifying the kid’s intrinsic motivations and using that knowledge to tailor unique extrinsic motivations for him/her. Encourage him to do the things he likes and to involve you in all of them. Let him instruct you on the extracurricular activities he chooses, even if you are good at them. Allow him to explore and talk about their feelings, and then show genuine enthusiasm towards everything he proposes. Learn to observe rather than to instruct. It is only by doing so that you will know what he likes. If he is fascinated by electronics or science, learn the topic and provide him/her with all the tools he/she needs to see his/her passion through. The kid will be happy to listen to your suggestions once he is convinced that you too listen to theirs.

4. Make a habit of celebrating achievement

No matter how small an achievement, learn to always appreciate the effort. If she learned how to bake, for example, that is a good reason to allow her an hour of TV or video games. If he finished writing a song or a poem, no matter how bad you think it is, he deserves a special treat. The idea here is to focus on the strengths, not the shortcomings. Reinforce his/her effort and encourage him/her to discover and grow talents.

5. Create a conducive environment for reading

Maybe reading isn’t so essential in life, but it sure is essential to success in learning. It is hard to learn a new topic without a unique love for reading. Your kid’s brain will process concepts better after improving his vocabulary through reading. Reading also helps your kid with communication skills, both formal and informal, which come in handy when asking questions and expressing ideas both in and out of the classroom.


If you truly want your kid to be enthusiastic about learning new topics, you must stop limiting their learning to the classroom walls. Instead, turn the environment around him into a learning-friendly space. Help the kids to identify and grow his/her strengths. Open up a world of ideas for him and help build their intellectual muscles.