Finally the time has come when you have made your decision to work in your desired company. You have got call for the interview, updated your CV, submitted all your important documents to the company and now you have to go for the interview. But wait!!! Are you worried about the boss’s nature? Well, this is quite normal if you have ever worked with a terrible boss. You are very well aware about how it is to work with a bad boss. Therefore, you want to figure out whether the respective interviewer is going to be a good or bad boss, but there is no need to worry as there are some signs through which you can easily figure out a bad boss.
Signs You Are Dealing With a Bad Boss
One of the great factors of your happiness at work place is determined by your relationship with your boss. If you have the right manager, you should consider yourself lucky as your working life will be easier and more enjoyable. So, if you are going for the interview, it is essential to figure out whether you are going to have a good or bad boss. Entering in the interview with this state of mind will help you to figure out these things. To help you, Assignment Help are sharing some of the important tips you can look to make sure about your boss:
- They Come Late For Interview: This is the ultimate thing you need to pay your attention on. It does not matter how much big a company is or how much busy a boss is, he must present himself at the interview on time in order to create a good impression during an interview. If they come late and spend the most of their in checking their mails or taking calls, you should understand that they are not going to provide you adequate training or assistance.
- They are Negative: In order to figure out whether they are negative, you need to pay attention on their conversation. If they say something negative about company, the previous employee or their coworkers, you can take it as a sign of negativity. They may think that they are providing you the helpful information but you should understand that he is a negative person.
- They Are Indistinct About Details: A good boss is that who talk to you with ultimate confidence about the respective role and company but if in an interview, you find that he is quite unclear about the company’s details or not providing you proper answers, you can take this as a sign.
Does He Possess Proper Enthusiasm Or Motivation Towards Company?
Are you feeling lack of enthusiasm and passion in their work? Are they looking indifferent and disinterested to you? If yes, you can take it as a clear sign of their bad behavior towards the company. We realize that every person can have bad day now and then but this is the quality of a good boss that they make an effort to leave their stress at home and show their professionalism towards work. You can figure this out by paying attention to your own feelings such as while interacting with them, you should feel a sense of excitement but if you feel that he is not even paying his attention to you or does not even care about what you are saying, you should leave immediately.
- They Are Not Listening: Paying attention and listening all your things throughout the conversation is another quality of a good boss and you can consider this as a parameter to decide their behavior. If the person you are interviewing with is getting distracted and seems lost throughout the process, it could be a bad sign. In addition to this, if they are going on and on and answering his phone calls or texts messages and mails, it is clear indication that they are not paying attention to you.
- Ask about Previous Employee: One of the most useful ways to review their nature at the time of interview is to ask about the previous employee who held the job for which you are interviewing. If he starts talking negatively about him, it could be a sign. In addition to this, if he was promoted, you can also ask for promotion but if he was fired, you should ask its reasons.
- Blame Employees: According to experts you should ask your potential boss about the company’s problems and their causes during an interview. Now, just try to figure out whether your boss is blaming the previous employees for any reason, if yes, then it could be a sign. Nobody wants to work with a boss who always look for the help and blame his employees.
They Have Lack of Vision Regarding Goals of the Company
This is another sign of a bad boss if he is not so aware about the company’s vision & mission and goals. It is important for any employee to work with a leader who can lead the team to achieve the objective and goals but if he is himself not aware about it, there is no sense to work with him.
Though finding what type of your boss your interviewer is might be difficult but just keep following these tips.