The whole process of preparing for an exam, appearing in one and then waiting for its results can be incredibly excruciating mentally; and in order to keep the sanity intact, students incessantly receive shreds of advice from their parents, family and close ones who have been through these phases themselves and closely observe their growth. There are several factors that lead to the fundamental anxiety, which is, inexplicably just the level one of the exam seasons, whatever follows, only strengthens the stress and is enough to disrupt the mental health of the student. In the following section, we will be furnishing you with some ways in which you can protect your mental health while battling the unavoidable ordeals of the exam and perform well.

Delineate a plan of action
First things first, right before directly jumping into the course assigned for the exam, start by outlining a schedule and remember to sincerely follow it. For instance, you can make a list of the subjects or chapters that would not take you much time to learn and revise and similarly, chalk out the ones that would require a longer while and extensive attention. In this way, you will know where to start from initially; a common cause of distress amongst students today is that they feel directionless right before the exam and it takes them quite some time to figure out the recourses through which all of this could be arranged. Keeping this tendency in mind, we advise you to assign realistic goals to your schedules, meaning, do not overcrowd your routine with multiple subjects in a day; rather, strive to create a balance where your days will be made up of a generous portion of the lessons that are elaborate and difficult and the remaining vacuum here and there will be filled either with revisions or chapters that you find comparatively easy. Once you start adapting the flow, you will be automatically left with enough time and your confidence will keep surging high thus, eliminating every scope of fear and ambiguity.

Use your phone less
If we are asked to name one element that has evolved as the millennial’s biggest distraction, it will inevitably have to be the mobile phone and the applications supported on it. We cannot, under any circumstance, steer away from the fact that the social media platforms have widened their scopes and turned out to be real-time obsessions from where there seems no potential escape. With each passing day, these sites are leveling up their game and formulating newer ways to draw a more organic audience as a result of which, the virtual necessity of living the “perfect life” is enhanced.
Studies have proven that the inclination of replicating the online world is the most amongst students and this is one of the most influential attributes that has led to their increase of social-anxiety, depression and has shifted their attention from studies to the unrealistic idolization. It is not unlikely to find that a student, instead of focusing on the study, they are looking how many views they are getting on their Instagram videos and pictures and therefore, to curb this temptation, students must try to limit the usage of their phones, starting from a few days ahead of the scheduled days of exam. With the virtual world being veiled, they will have more time and clarity of thought that can be molded in a positive way and capitalized on to remove the recurring eruption of fear and unsettling mood which is capable of hampering the will to carry on with the studies.
Take breaks
Instead of clogging your mind with the entire course in just two or three days, distribute it equally across your study leave so that you can opt for frequent breaks and let your mind breathe. In these breaks, you can either watch an episode of your favorite show (remember not to turn this into a binge-watch session), talk to a friend, listen to some positive and energetic tracks or simply take a walk around your nearest park. Researches have concluded that when your learning is embedded with considerable breaks, the matter sets in your brain better and remains intact for a longer time thereby, eradicating your discrepancies about uncooperative memory.
Through the day, if you ever feel tired or low, do not shy away from addressing it or feel guilty about it; when the mind is under so much pressure, it is not uncommon for it to look for resorts that were once comfortable. If you don’t feel like studying for a while do not push yourself as it would make things worse- the exam is to be treated as a part of your course, not something that compels you to suffer and ruin your health. Consult a therapist if you find there are emotional outbursts specific to these few weeks; he will be able to garner you with efficient techniques to keep up with the pressure and emerge out strong.
Reward yourself
To stay enthused throughout this whole mechanism, you must have something to look forward to every day or week. The process should not seem bland and lifeless- read out your lessons aloud and one you are certain that you have mastered your assignment for the day, treat yourself with your favorite dessert, or take a long bubble bath or simply just go out for a long drive. Employing this strategy will not only improve your memory and help you to learn things faster but, also ensure that your mental health is being enriched through the procedure so that you can keep your calm and appear in the exam with escalated positivity. Depriving yourself of the things that you like and trying to concentrate only on your studies for the exam is a way of deliberately reminding the brain that it is being forcefully dragged to something unconventional and therefore, the negative responses. The only ingredient that sets your exam apart from the other day-to-day activities is proliferated concentration on your studies while all your other indulgences are kept in check for a few days but, not completely disregarded.