I am excited to share one of my favorite coaching tools with you. Participants in The Confidence Course described it as “eye-opening,” found it to be a different way to look at their lives and wished they had known about it years ago. It’s a tool that I return to over and over in my own life and in working with clients. Not only does the exercise play a role in developing genuine confidence, but it provides direction to help you:
- add meaning and fulfillment to your life (even when circumstances are less than ideal)
- act with purpose
- re-frame your definition of success
- plan your time & balance your life
- live authentically (this seems to be a big one with my clients)
This tool is
values clarification.
Values are statements about what we want to be doing with our lives, what we want to stand for, how we want to act on an ongoing basis, who we want to be, what’s most important. When we use our values as a compass, as guidance for action, we make our lives meaningful. When we define success as living by our values, we can be successful right now.
Think of it as a guide for your daily choices.
There are many different exercises out there to help you clarify your values. I’ve sifted through a bunch so that you don’t have to.
“A Quick Look At Your Values” is a simple and helpful exercise from author, therapist, and life coach Dr. Russ Harris. Take a look at pages three and four here for a “bank” of values and simple steps to identify your top six values.
With so many demands on our time, along with overwhelming choice and uncertainty, it is comforting to know that our decisions reflect what matters most. Our collection of daily choices adds up to lives that stand for something, ones with meaning and purpose.
No regrets.
We’re not on this planet to robotically program our inner lives; we’re here to become good people.-Martha Beck
Would you like clarity in figuring out who you want to be and what you want to stand for in different areas of your life? And how you can use this knowledge to live authentically, develop genuine confidence, reduce anxiety, or plan your time? We can do this in 2 coaching sessions. See my website for more details.
Originally published at blueprint-lifedesign.squarespace.com