Having just released my book, Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You, I’ve been doing a lot of media interviews.
Since book is all about becoming less stressed, and given the time of year, the same question tends to pop up time and time again – how do you cope with holiday stress?
There’s a lot of pressure this time of year. You’ve got to buy presents, go to social events, travel, organize flights and what about all the cooking? There’s just so much going on. How do you fit it all in?
BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive an less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.
I’ll answer some of the most popular questions I get here:
The Epoch Times asked: “The holidays are a busy time, and waiting until the last minute to prepare can often lead to stress and anxiety. How do you recommend we begin to wrap our heads around the holiday season?”
Here’s my answer: I always start thinking about the holidays early. That’s the key. Don’t let them sneak up on you. For instance, I make a list in August of everyone I need to buy gifts for during the holiday season.
Then, throughout the year, I leave myself notes and ideas for gifts those people would really enjoy. That way I’m not overwhelmed when it comes time to shop. I already have ideas.
I like to keep ideas in my Evernote notebook throughout the year for times just like this when I can’t think of what to get. In that folder, I keep ideas that I’ve found and notes on what people have told me through the year that they would like or need.
Forbes.com asked: “How does “listful living” help people identify and act on their core values?”
Here’s my answer: We’re not just talking about lists, we’re living them! Keep a journal that helps you identify your core values, how you work best and then sets you up for success to get more done and work in self care too. No one wants to experience burnout. Instead, you need to align yourself with what truly matters. Not what you think should matter or what you wish would matter. But truly what matters to you and your core values.
For instance, let’s say you value sleep. If that’s your priority, then every decision you make has to be made in consideration of your sleep schedule. So if you’re invited to a networking event in the evening, you’ll know you need to decline because that will interfere with your (sleep) priority right.
Check out the full Forbes.com article here – this advice is even more relevant for the holidays! Take some time to think about your priorities for the holidays. If it’s quality family time, let your friends know you still love them, but you’ll catch up in the New Year!
Forbes.com asked: “You say “rest is the new hustle.” What do you mean by that?”
My answer: My appendix burst and I had emergency surgery. That’s a very dramatic way for your body to tell you to slow down and reprioritize.
I needed to get back on track. After writing my first book Listful Thinking I was doing too much. When I landed in the hospital, I had no choice but to embrace a new mantra, “rest is the new hustle.” I took everything off my plate, including all appointments, projects, and everything else. Sometimes just washing my hair was the one thing I did for the day. It gave me a new perspective into how much we put on our plates and what really matters most.
One of the early readers of my book Listful Living put it best. She said “the hustle that got you here won’t get you there.” I was stressed, unhappy, and needed structure to identify what was truly my priority. So “rest is the new hustle” is a mantra I use when I think I need to do more. Sometimes it’s about doing less and allowing yourself some time to pause and evaluate before jumping in.
So what will you do to make your holiday season less stressed?
Here’s an idea from my wonderful digital strategist Cass McCrory of Capra Strategy. Cass is encouraging everyone to take off four full days over the Thanksgiving holiday.
I know what you’re thinking, I already do that! But do you really? Do you completely shut off from work over the holidays? Swear you haven’t answered a single email?
Well that’s what Cass is proposing, properly letting go and gifting yourself that time. In her LinkedIn article she breaks down how you can switch off from work and make the most of your new freedom!
What are your priorities this holiday season and how are you making the most of them? Let me know in the comments!
BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.