Are you more excited about checking your Instagram feed every day than checking in with your spouse? Are you worried if you are without your phone? Or, maybe you want your child to finish their story so that you can start writing your great commentary online again? If so, you, the well-meaning, loving, and terrifying parent — and not your child — may very well be the culprit in terms of screen time.

We can rationalize (or rather defend) our use of technology throughout the day. We have to be online for our work (no work, no food, no house, right?) We need to check with family members. If our children are not at home, we have to monitor them digitally. These are all good uses of technology, but when does responsible use become another excuse to stay connected to our technology?

According to the Center for Internet Addiction, experiencing five of the following eight symptoms may indicate that you have a more serious problem.

  1. Are you worried about the Internet (thinking about the last online activity or looking forward to the next online session)?
  2. Do you feel the need to use the Internet more and more to be satisfied?
  3. Have you made repeated unsuccessful attempts to control, reduce or stop your use of the Internet?
  4. Do you feel restless, cranky, sad or irritable when you try to reduce or stop using the Internet? obsessed with technology
  5. Are you staying online longer than expected?
  6. Have you risked or risked the loss of an important relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet?
  7. Have you lied to family members, a doctor or others to hide the extent of your involvement on the Internet?
  8. Do you use the Internet to escape from problems or to relieve anxiety (eg feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression)

Tips for mastering your technique

Treatment varies depending on the degree of addiction. With increased reliance on technology, IAD treatment programs can be found under the umbrella of various rehabilitation programs.

Take the phone away from the bed. Sleep patterns and concentration may be affected if you sleep with your phone near the bed. Try putting your phone in another room and not using it for the first hour of your day.

Keep your phone away from the work area. If you always check your phone at work, try keeping it in your briefcase or desk drawer. Commit to checking it at specific times. This strategy is difficult for parents with kids in school. However, by checking your SMS on 10, 2 and 4, you can free yourself from other mobile temptations like Facebook or Twitter on your phone.

Deadline: Most experts agree that limiting time spent online and even implementing filtering software can be a positive first step towards a balanced digital life. This includes taking frequent breaks, doing outdoor activities and exercise, finding friends who spend less time online, and setting an appropriate schedule for Internet use. If the matter is serious and the online behavior has had more harmful consequences, it is recommended to seek professional help immediately to restore a healthy balance in life. obsessed with technology

Get an accountability partner. If you feel that your technology is negatively affecting your relationships and your life, ask a friend for help. Talk about your use of technology (including failures, temptations, comments, and successes), set guidelines, and keep a records system with your accountability partner.

Make a commitment to the people, not the devices. Technology addiction is not sudden. It is a slow and subtle emotional understanding of your focus and priorities. For this reason, it's important to be intentional with your time and relationships.
Prioritize face-to-face meetings with friends and family. To be respectful, keep your phone in the car or out of sight when you spend time together. Keep a journal of what you observe about your new schedule, low tech or even no tech.

Model of self-control. As parents, it's easy to forget that our kids are watching all the time. Be a model of self-control for your children. If you can go to a movie theater or amusement park without your cell phone, they'll follow suit.
