The video call is here to stay and this is good news. It has enabled many companies to ensure their business continuity and also to explore new and, in many cases, better work habits. The possibilities offered by video calling are many, and in times of “physical distancing”, not “social”, they help teams achieve common goals, learn new skills, and develop projects efficiently. Although video calling can also become a “nightmare” for proper time management, otherwise we discard some habits that can go against its effectiveness.
Tips to make a good video call
1.- Have an agenda
It is key not to divert the meeting to dispersed matters or have endless meetings. It can be important to do a “warm-up” at the beginning, where we greet each other, ask about each other, and, very importantly, it is not worth “complaining”, which is concluded with a formal welcome, and a review of the points to be discussed, together with the objective that is pursued with each of them. This agenda must be on the screen permanently. It will help us to maintain the agility and effectiveness of the call.
2.- Establish a process and rules to comply with it
If you don’t set up a process to take turns talking, they will end up constantly interrupting. Many times a comment is responded to several times and it is very common to step on each other in conversations. Have a moderator, mute microphones, and “raise your hand” to intervene. Name specifically who a question or comment is addressed to, since there is no visual contact, it is easy for the interested party not to be taken for granted or another person responds, or all at once. The intervener must make sure that everyone follows him, with questions…. Have I been clear …? As you see ….? What do you think of this proposal? And name the / those involved.
3.- Make sure that what you are going to do requires a video call
And no, a specific email or phone call. Better to stick to issues that affect a set of people and all of them are involved in the process. If a topic needs discussion and planning, then the video call is fully justified, but if it is only a consultation or ratification, use another means.
4.- Take care of the environment and the environment.
Many professionals are now juggling family demands and the reality of working from home. However, finding a place where you can focus during video calls is crucial. If the worker’s workspace is unclear, it’s easy to get distracted, which can cause you to miss key points of the call or important questions. Start by having a quiet, bright area, a place that is bright and where you can focus. And agree with the people who are also in the house some basic rules to be able to carry out the task, always with flexibility.
5.- Multitasking
You are not fooling anyone if you think that checking your phone or answering emails has no impact on you and the meeting, so avoid the temptation to do other things while on a video call. Avoid it, among other things, because it shows.
6.- Mute your microphone
Keeping the microphone on when you are not speaking is a distraction for other attendees, especially if they are all speaking at the same time.
7.- Increase your commitment
For many people, the current situation is frankly devastating. Sharing fears and being honest is healthy and humane. But complaining nonstop or using your co-workers as an emotional punching bag can turn toxic. Understanding reality and providing solutions to emerging stronger is more important now. If it is not in that line, many times it is better to be silent, at least at that moment.
8.- Active listening
Respect the turns and take note of everything, at the same time, you can leave your questions in the open chat. This way you can better follow the conversation and keep your focus on what is important, in addition to respecting yourself and others. There are eight tips that if we put them into operation will make us win in time and effectiveness. Get to know about Managed wordpress hosting via reading online.