You can be the best student in the faculty, but if you devote all your energy to your studies, at some point you will lose motivation for it. So, how do stay motivated in college? The tips in this article will help you solve this issue.
As practice shows, when entering a university and in the first year, the motivation for learning is very high for most students. However, often the very next year, students “go off course” and begin to perform their duties literally from under the stick.
7 main reasons for lack of college motivation
- One of the main reasons why there is no desire to start studying is the lack of a clear goal and a clear plan.
- The problem arises when classes take up most of your time and you simply don’t have time for anything else. You can turn to write my essay service for help. This way, you will be able to relieve some of your student assignments.
- Lack of rest also leads to loss of interest and drive. This condition is called burnout. Then a person needs a lot of time to regain strength and energy.
- The reason may lie in the activity that one doesn’t like; it is very difficult to make a person do what he or she doesn’t like to do.
- Fear of failure in the performance of any task completely discourages you from going to school and doing any work.
- The person does not know where to start. Write a synopsis first, and then learn it? Or should I solve the test first? Such uncertainty is time-consuming.
- The personality of the teacher also plays an important role. The manner of teaching affects the student’s attitude toward the subject.
Anyway, here are useful tips on how to always stay motivated to study:
1. Praise yourself
Often learners get into self-criticism because they didn’t meet all of their obligations, didn’t understand a subject, didn’t start studying on time. Say no to excessive self-criticism! Think back to those moments when you got a good grade. Convince yourself that success is realistic to achieve again.
2. Ask yourself questions
Determine for yourself why you need to study a particular subject. While learning can sometimes be about memorizing a lot of information, every lesson you learn and every new knowledge you have can one day help you prove yourself in a better light. This can happen when you continue to study, get a job, and just in the company of friends.
3. Set goals
It’s easier when your goals are clear. Determine which exams you have to take next semester. Write them down and use the list as a guide in your preparation. In particular, it will help you get answers to the questions How far have I come? and What do I have left to do to reach my goal?
4. Graduality
This rule derives from the previous one. Start with small, simple goals. It is easier to maintain motivation for short periods of time. Therefore, set small goals. When a goal doesn’t require a lot of time to accomplish, but only a few minutes, hours, or a couple of days, you will always stay motivated.
5. Be proactive in lectures
If you are not initially attentive to the subject the lecture is about, you will likely find the material uninteresting and difficult to memorize when preparing for the exam. Show yourself and others that you are capable of being a good listener and focus on the lecture the professor is giving. It will be easier for you to absorb the material because you will become familiar with the subject already during the lecture. And when you repeat it, you will think of examples that teachers often accompany lectures. Thus, preparing for exams will become much more interesting and easier.
6. Work and study in a calm, healthy environment
Isolate all distractions: cell phone, TV, and other gadgets. If you lose motivation to study, concentrate on a specific task without distractions, and you will see positive results very soon. With the right attitude, things will go much easier and faster.
7. Get support
Find the company of people who inspire you. Try to avoid the company of negative people who intentionally or not spoil your mood and interfere with your studies.
8. Learn from mistakes
If you did not do well on a particular exam or are dissatisfied with your results for the entire school year, the worst thing you can do is to go around blaming yourself all the time. The right solution in this situation is to analyze your actions, to see the mistakes you made. Make the right conclusions and start from the beginning, developing a new plan of action.
9. Recharge your energy
As said at the beginning of this article, studying is very important. But in its process, you should not drive yourself to exhaustion – both physical and psychological. So find some free time in your study schedule and use it to socialize with friends and family. Socialization is an integral part of being a student and is necessary for you to experience the fullness of life, which, of course, is not limited to the walls of the university.
10. Read
Make a list of motivational and inspirational books that have helped you in the past. Read at least a few pages from these books every day. If you have never read a book that has motivated you, start reading it now.
How not to go from college motivation to procrastination
Once you’ve motivated yourself to study, it’s important not to put off action until later. This is the hardest part of self-education.
An individual teacher partially eliminates the problem. It is much more difficult to start classes for those who study on their own.
Psychologists advise setting a time for the start of the class, to set an alarm clock. Before the bell rings, you can do whatever you want. But after the alarm, it is necessary to immediately start the lesson. It is also possible to set yourself a few small goals for the lesson. For achieving each of them you can encourage yourself with a short break.
Studying is not always interesting. At first, learning new things brings joy. But over time, even the most curious hobby can turn into a chore. In order not to lose motivation, it is worth a little variety in the learning process.
Some people drink tea and stock up on goodies, others turn on their favorite music. It is important to find a way that will not distract from learning, but make the process itself enjoyable. That way you will be able to keep your college motivation.
If learning is routine, associated with constant sitting at books or the computer, it is important to do sports periodically. Even the most motivated person will become distracted from studying if the physical condition is not good. To avoid neck and back pain, engage in physical therapy and yoga. Simple breaks for 5-10 minutes will allow you to unload the brain and relieve stress.