It is important to know what you represent as a human resource and how that compares with others. You need to look at your job compared with others being advertised. You need to make it easy for your boss by explaining in objective terms why you should be paid more or why you should be promoted!

You are more likely to be happy and successful if well-matched with your career and playing to your talents and personality. You are unlikely to be given a pay rise or promotion if incompetent, so in the first instance, choose the right career! If you are unsure what the right career might be, take advice from a professional career consultant or read QNewsHub for reference

How to get a pay rise

Before asking for a pay rise you must feel certain that you are deserving of one! There is always inflation to fall back on, but why else should you feel that you should be paid more? Are you earning less than colleagues doing equivalent work? Have you been there longer and therefore offer greater experience than peers? Have you acquired additional qualifications or skills? Have you taken on further responsibilities? Ensure that you have a clear argument ready to justify an increase and pick your moment! There is little sense in grabbing your boss when in the middle of a crisis or keen to dash off. Wait until s/he is in good humor, perhaps having just returned from holiday or having just won a big account, and ask to have a private word. 

Do not just blurt out “I want a pay rise!” in front of everyone. Explain your reasons calmly and quietly, providing evidence of your contributions above and beyond the call of duty where possible or perhaps details of comparable positions currently being advertised. If a pay rise is not forthcoming, you may threaten to leave, but you have to be prepared to do so.

How to get promoted to the next stage of your career and how to acquire the skills to help you get there

Most people are promoted to a position which they already fill! Make sure that you have shown initiative and voluntarily taken on additional responsibilities with time. Make sure that you have had an eye on the competencies and skills required at the next level and that you have asked for (or paid for your own) training for this, especially shortage skills. Besides, quietly ensure that superiors know you have done this and that you are keen for additional challenges (but do not go around blowing your own trumpet and claiming the success of others as yours!)

Manipulative it may be, but look for the person in the position of power (not necessarily the boss!). Befriend this person and become indispensable to him or her. It may be that you rise on his or her coattails, or you may simply make yourself the most obvious and visible choice when a promotion opportunity arises.

How to get a better job

What constitutes a better job for you? It may be simply a promotion with greater responsibility, challenge, and pay, but it may equally be a better-matched organization (perhaps you would favor a smaller organization where you might be a bigger fish, or maybe you feel that you need greater belief in the cause which you are promoting), or a better-matched role (perhaps you have been a consultant and now feel that you are better suited to management), or even a change of direction employing transferable skills, or perhaps a downshift for greater quality of life!?

You need to decide what you have to offer in terms of strengths, experience, achievements, and personality, and to consider values and motivation (leisure activities inform this self-assessment too); make a list and apply for positions that are a good match. The job specification outlines what the employer is seeking in terms of skills and experience so your CV and application need to be tailored to demonstrate these. You are marketing yourself, so think in marketing terms! What are your features and benefits; what have you done and what were the beneficial results (quantify where possible); what successes, awards or promotions have you had, and what difference have you made to date? Knowing why that position is right for you will also enable you to sell yourself more effectively at an interview.

Work on those people skills!

Most successful people share two things, a positive outlook and great charm. Knowing your strengths and what you represent as a human resource should boost confidence and positivity to build your thought leadership. However, you need to work on your softer people skills too. You need to work with emotional intelligence if you are to win friends and influence people effectively.

Successful people know where they are going and they can build positive relationships with people who might help them on their journey. If they don’t know, they ‘know a man who does and they will have made sure that person is on their team and keen to assist rather than obstruct. They treat others with respect and demonstrate true empathy; they have charisma.

Play politics!

To win, you have to play the game, but this does not have to be to malevolent intent; a little positive people manipulation can help you get things done and create stakeholder buy-in, too.
