Have you ever lost time to procrastination, later feeling guilty for not taking action?
Or take on so many things that you couldn’t do justice to any of them causing all the tasks to be postponed until eventually forgotten? I think we’ve all been there at some point in our lives… but what can we do to manage our tasks and take action?
Well, here are 5 ways that I think may help!
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1. Take your time and sort out the tasks you have to do into two columns
The first column is for urgent tasks, meaning that you must do them now; everything else should go into the second column (which I like to call the not-so-urgent tasks). This way, when you feel like taking action, you will only take on what’s in the first column.
For example, you may have to finish an essay by Thursday, give a presentation for your boss on Tuesday and be on standby in case you’re needed (and this happens often).
2. Write them down!
This way you will need to see them and because they are written down, it will be harder to forget. For example, instead of thinking “I should paint my nails today”, write it down. This is a great way to keep yourself accountable for your tasks.
3. Prioritize
Every task should have a unique identifier, which you can use with one of the several prioritizing systems that are available online. This allows you to see which task is more important and whether or not it’s due soon!
4. What is the next step? Or what do I need to get ready?
Take the first step on one of your tasks, even if it’s just sending an email or making research. This way you are taking some action and not getting discouraged because you’re having trouble initiating, which is a common problem for people who have difficulty with avoiding procrastination.
5. Plan some time for yourself!
We all know that we need to take time for ourselves, but it’s often difficult to do. As much as we’d like to spend our day focusing on work, if we don’t make some time for the things we like and want to accomplish, not only can we become depressed and demotivated; it is also easier for us to slip back into old, bad habits.
6. Finally, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t manage it all.
Just make a new list with the most important things and take action with those first!
Don’t make things unnecessarily complicated, or take on too much. Doing this can quickly get you demotivated and overwhelmed. Good luck with getting started!