Spirituality can help you winning at office politics
(Article also published on my personal blog स्पष्ट आत्मन Clear Conscience; ©All the contents are a copyright of the author)
This is an interesting topic we will discuss today as I had been trying to write on this from a long time and got few requests from people who find it difficult dealing with office politics while ascending into spirituality or in normal life too.
“Office Politics, the Divine Comedy!” as the topic suggests is a very common problem these days. With growing awareness & knowledge along with competition in the world to be the first one always, this problem has been affecting a lot of people who are not so good in dealing with it.
People sometimes ask me, I am not doing anything wrong but people tend to get jealous from me, or I don’t bother anyone still they try to do everything to create hurdles in my way.
Some people ask mam’ why people gossip, why they can’t understand my problem? Why can’t they mind their own business etc. etc.?
Some will have challenges with triggered emotions/ego energies like how can she say like this to me? I am the boss or I am senior than her. Why people don’t give me importance like he/she gets.
Few people have their own presumptions about others or even self. They have preconceived notions about self and others which enforces them to expect others to response the way they think or want.
A simple thing I recommend here is, stop following others, stop seeing what others are doing, what others are running after and what is going around them. I agree we should be aware of what is going around us in terms of situations, people or happenings, but we should not get too attached with things that it starts impacting our peace of mind.
Most people who are still stuck at physical plane don’t realize it is not outside; it is inside that we need to look and work upon. When you are pointing one finger towards someone else, other four are towards you, you sometimes see your own reflection in others and try to become defensive or take it personally.
Not everyone can ascend on the same level spiritually, everyone has their own journey, own divine timing of that one call from the Universe which when heard and acknowledged is going to change your life forever!
However, it is not compulsory that you have to be spiritual to deal with all these things going around you, but “Spirituality” can help you a lot. Did you notice people who regularly meditate or follow some spiritual practices are more strong mentally and emotionally than who do not?
Here is the catch! Becoming spiritual will not make you a saint/sage, unless you with your free will decide to become one as per your divine path or divine purpose realization but what spirituality does is helps one recall the powers being held inside and not outside.
When you meditate, you give space and acknowledgement to yourself, your higher self, the Universe within you. It helps you align with self, with universe, it will help you identify what is there you need to work on which will ultimately reflect in your outer world too.
You attract people, situations and things in your life according to the vibrations/karmas you hold (Positive or negative). [Click here to read my article on Karmic Balance – Balancing your Karmas]
Even if you don’t hurt someone, still you may hold a past grudge or guilt, some sort of negative energies or emotions inside that is attracting that particular pattern in your life. It could also be a way of the Universe to make you hear and understand what it is trying to convey to you. You may have been ignorant and missing on it from many lifetimes or years.
See, people will keep on triggering you, they will create challenges in your life, all you need to see them from inner eyes and not outer. The more you live in “Gratitude” and “Thankfulness” mode and accept things the way they are keeping your dignity and originality even after being a part of this illusionary world, more you will have peace in your mind, body, soul.
Emotional and mental triggers are nothing but an opportunity to identify what is wrong within us, what they are trying to tell us and work on. Work on that habit, that resistance or fear you are holding back inside you and once it is cured or worked upon you will notice those patterns will start dissolving on its own and those people or kind of situations will stop occurring in your life.
Take this as a divine comedy where you come across some characters who think they are playing smart but actually they don’t know they are helping you improvise more and become even better strengthening your capabilities and abilities to deal with them gracefully.
In fact, people who intentionally play politics or create hurdles for others or try to harm others, they are not harming others but themselves, they are adding up more negative karmas to not only their lives but to their financial or money vibrations too. These people are holding in themselves, a lot of emotional pain or financial issues in their lives itself.

The more you invest time in these things more time you waste in your life instead you should start working on self and stop all this.
Many of you may not be aware of the fact that universe works on some spiritual laws (there are more than 25 laws and even more) and one of the laws is of “Give and Receive or the law of three”. What you give you get back with the power of three.

So, even if you are abusing self or anyone, criticizing self or anyone, cursing self or anyone, it will only add to your burden. Learn to be humble, assertive not rude and dominant. If insulting someone brings happiness to you, it is alarming, you have a lot of pain inside you which you seem to blame for to others and think giving them pain will make you happy but you don’t realize you are calling that pain back to yourself with the power of three which is three times.
Coming back to our discussion, here, I am sharing few “Golden Rules” or “Secrets to winning at office politics” and how to stay happy & joyful throughout life:

The very first rule is “Forget about others opinion about you” – What others think or say is not your reality, so feeling sad, annoyed or bad about what the other person thinks about you should not matter to you at all. If they say something, you are blessed with a strong mind and heart and two ears to listen from one and let it take an exit from the other one.
The second rule is “Stop looking for approvals from others” – Unless someone else is going to approve you, your qualities or shortcomings, you are not complete or whole within are very destructive thoughts. Some people say I don’t mind or care what they say but inside something get triggered and they keep on plunging on what was being said whole day thinking bad about themselves. This creates a fear, inferiority or hurtful pain of emotions inside you which is enough to self-sabotage.

The third rule is “Respecting Individual Boundaries” – Now, boundaries here doesn’t mean you have to be rude, or introvert kind of person not talking to anyone but what it means, being in touch with everyone but still not losing touch with your own self by knowing what are your individual boundaries when you communicate to others or how and what to say and how much to say. This is applicable to others as well keeping in mind what to discuss and how much to discuss with the other person. Unless the other person is trustworthy never share your personal life/private moments with them. Ignoring this may give space to gossiping and slandering. Privacy matters! Learn to say “No”, wherever necessary.

The fourth and most important rule is “Taking Responsibility” – Yes, taking responsibility of your own thoughts, words and behavior is equally important before you hold someone accountable for their behavior and choice of words. Treat others the way you want them to treat you!

The fifth rule is “Self-Love” – Never forget this golden rule of your life. You must first understand what self-love is and not what others had been telling you since ages as a part of your mind conditioning. To know more about self-love read my previous post Why Self-Love is Important?

The sixth rule is “Know Yourself by Meditating” – Meditation is a vital part of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. The more you build a spiritual relationship with self, more you will be at peace and know the unknown truths of this Universe. It will teach you and guide you how to communicate with the Universe for whatever you seek in your life and want to manifest for yourself.
Also, meditation helps you reconnect with self and let you hear your inner voice which is your sixth sense that is again very important to take right decisions on right time in life.
When you meditate, you give space and permission to self and the Universe to release the energies, cords, thoughts and whatever is not serving your highest good from not only your physical body, but from your etheric body too which is the electromagnetic field we all have around us. The more clear it is more you are aligned with your own-self and more you stay in your own boundaries and in peace with self and others. Meditation also helps you keep grounded in times of stress and helps your logical and creative mind to work better.

The seventh rule is “Learn to Forgive” – It is like nail in the coffin. Put all negativity, negative thoughts, resentments, revenge, guilt or painful memories in a coffin of memories, hit it with a final nail of forgiveness in the coffin and forget about it. It is important, the more you learn and practice this technique, more you will see positive changes in your life. To read more about forgiveness techniques visit my previous articles – It is Important to Forgive Your Own Self and Others, Forgiveness and Love are the only Stepping Stones, A Prayer for Forgiveness.
Forgiveness not only helps you forgive and forget but with practice you will notice, other people does not hold power to manipulate and trigger you anymore and you are more focused, peaceful and happy within self and from outside. This will also instill a habit of ignoring & mindfulness, whatever is not going to serve your happiness, be it people, situations and any of their actions or words about you or anything will not affect you ever. With this you will notice it will become a natural course of your life as a nature and you will become more joyful as compared to earlier.
Take an initiative with these seven rules and observe the positive difference in your life. Hope the information I shared as guidance above is helpful for all my blog readers throughout the cosmos!
Love, Light, Peace, Gratitude and lots of Blessings to all!
We all are one!
We are Love!
One Love!