Many people who live in a state of constant stress suffer from short-term memory. They suddenly realize that they cannot remember what they wanted to take in the room they came to, or they fall silent in the middle of a conversation, because they forget what they wanted to say. Is it possible to train short-term memory?
There have been suggestions and research regarding this. How do one train one’s memory? Japanese scientists argue that there are several techniques to achieve this.
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Here are three quick techniques to help you with memory at certain uncomfortable moments.
Technique number 1. Chewing gum
If you need to remember any information from barely moments before, you might as well chew a piece of gum. When we chew, our articulatory apparatus is actively working, which provides mild stimulation of the hippocampus – the part of the brain responsible for all types of memory. Better to chew something tough and crunchy. It is no coincidence that children who are passionate about a book literally chew the tips of pens and pencils – they intuitively feel that this will help them remember new information. Hello? Why is it sometimes helpful to put your phone away and grab a pen and paper?
Technique number 2. Move your eyes
It is known that the occipital region is responsible for visual memory. It can be stimulated with eye movement exercises. Take a pen, place it at eye level and move it left – right. The eyes should follow the object (you don’t need to turn your head). There is enough and sufficient research to backup this weird movement. You’d be surprised at how effective it can be.
Technique number 3. Hand tension
Everyone has heard the term “body memory”. This is what helps us not to forget how to do what we have not done for a long time – to ride a bike, dance, swim. Even if at first when it seems we have forgotten how to do it, our legs, arms, and body quickly remember how to move.
It’s the same way we can play drums after we’ve stopped playing a long time. The same way we don’t forget to swim or drive.
This effect can also be used to train memory. If you need to memorize some completely non-reproducible information, squeeze your hand tightly into a fist. Through muscle tone, the signal through neural connections will enter the brain. When you need to remember information, make a fist with your opposite hand. The information will begin to transform back.
This partly explains the fact that study, when handwritten (that is, with muscular effort) is remembered better than just reading or even watching or hearing.
It is the magic of the hands! It is no exaggeration after all when we say there is magic embedded in our gifted hands!
Try and practice these techniques the next time you struggle with memory loss, they require no drugs. And require little effort too.
Have fun remembering!