There’s no doubt about it, motivation is a tough thing to muster. Everyday battles pile up and often we just want to do… absolutely nothing.

However, as complex as the mind is, it can be easily reprogrammed to make us feel more motivated.

Indeed, through the use of psychology and biochemistry, it’s possible to completely change the way that we think about things.

Not convinced? Take a look around and observe how marketers influence our minds to inform our purchasing decisions. It can be as simple as a perfectly designed branded box holding a new product catching our attention in a supermarket, or a catchy theme tune on the radio.

Whilst understanding phycology and biochemistry takes years, it’s possible to use each of these disciplines in subtle ways to stimulate our minds.

Practice your motivation

Sounds like an obvious task, but you wouldn’t jump straight into the sea without first visiting a pool, so why would do this with other large tasks? Start small and build from there- it’s always rewarding when you tick things off a checklist and this approach to things will generate plenty of motivation. Once you’re finished, take a step back and appreciate the work you have done.

Introduce some catecholamines into your diet

Never heard of catecholamines? We don’t blame you. Catecholamines are neurotransmitters that help to stimulate, motivate, and provide the brain with well needed mental energy. Built from amino acids called L-Tyrosine, this treasure can be found in many different foods like turkey, cottage cheese, chicken, and seaweed.

Eat your way to motivation with these brain boosting treats.

Drink your way to success

Our friend the coffee bean has helped to keep us motivated for years. Science led, this drink has been proven to help maintain focus and stamina through gruelling tasks. Make sure you don’t drink too much, though, as an energy come down will completely diminish your motivation.

Take on a different viewpoint

It’s hard to find motivation in something that you simply don’t enjoy. So turn it around to something that you do find enjoyment in. If you’re getting back into fitness, find a workout that suits you as opposed to one that you don’t enjoy. If you’re writing a blog, research a subject that you enjoy- there will be no flow of inspiration if it’s a subject you’re bored by.

If you follow the above steps, you should find that you have a new outlook on motivation and have the ability to complete simple and significant tasks. Remember to applaud yourself for the things you have done instead of focussing on the things you haven’t quite got round to.
