How to interpret your dreams so that you can live a more superior life experience. The first question, you may want to tackle is, what is a superior life? A superior life is a life where you are in the flow and harmony, where your life is met with beautiful synchronicities and great luck. In that state you are always ahead of the game. You know which steps to take so that you are always in the right place at the right time.
This way of living is real. It is not some fantasy or make believe. As you practice and develop your skill at honoring your various dream meanings, you will be amazed at just how rewarding it can be, in producing answers to just about anything that is affecting your life.
That simply means that if there is something truly bothering you at the moment and you need a clear answer on the matter, you have the ability to get that answer in a dream. By programming your dreams to get an answer, one will present itself.
Dream interpretation can be quite intuitive for some people, while for others it can seem like a jumble of images and fragmented movie like clips in their head. All of that confusion that you feel about dream interpretation can be cleared up by understanding and applying a few concepts.
Dream Interpretation Tip #1 – Accept everything! Often times because the memory of the dream seems fragmented we can dismiss those as meaningless. However, every single part of your dream has a bigger meaning. If you think of each piece as part of a zig saw puzzle then you will delight in putting even the seemingly random pieces together.
Everything in your dreams are linked to you. It would not have shown up had it not been in some way a part of your unconscious mind. Although you may dismiss it as random its not random because its in some way attached to you and it has presented itself to you. The key is to find out what it means to you.
Dream Interpretation Tip #2 – Sometimes the dream meanings aren’t so evident to you right away. Its key to try to interpret it right away so that you can recall as much detail as possible. However, with that said, after writing or recording your thoughts on the dream, its good to go back later on and see if you can get an even deeper meaning to it all.
Sometimes the fullness of a dream can come to you months or even years later. That is because as your life changes you can see reflections of the dream in your present life.
For example, one woman had a dream of herself and a particular man. At the time, that man did not exist in her present life. So she dismissed the dream altogether, only to find that a full year later she was living with the man from her dreams. It was only after reading old journal entries that she saw her dream with the full description of not only the man but her living situation as well.
Had she taken more time with the dream instead of rushing to a quick judgement she would have gotten the message within the dream.
Dream Interpretation Tip #3 – Create your own dream symbols. You may not need to go and carve out or define any dream words or symbols. What you do want to do with see every single thing within the dream as its very own symbol. Instead of trying to analyze the dream as a total picture take every think apart as a symbol in and off itself.
When you pull each piece apart and analyze each piece for its own meaning then the total picture begins to evolve in a way that makes more sense.
Try this…
- Get a pen and paper. Identify every single moment, character and item within the dream. Then write each one down on paper.
- Begin to define each person on to themselves. What did that person in the dream look like? What was the tone of what they said? Was it happy or sad? Write your thoughts next to each character and each item or symbols which appeared in that dream.
- Try to connect the dots. Reread what you wrote about each dream symbols or character then try to link each until the full story presents itself. It may take some time for you to see the link or understand it, but the more you process it the clearer the meaning will become to you.
Dream Interpretation Tip #4 – Trust your intuition and not a dream book. One of the greatest tools you have working for you is your own intuition. There is a natural knowing, built inside of you and that knowing will give you the answers that you need.
Of course as you practice more dream work and build your inner dream body, your intuition will naturally grow stronger and your ability to Intune the meaning behind the dreams become easier as well as stronger.
A strong intuition is the ability to tape into the voice of your inner dream body. Its that part of yourself not bound by limitation or time. It is that aspect of yourself which has access to information about your future that you don’t presently have access to because you live in a sensory world. The world of the five senses is limited.
On the other hand, the world which your inner dream body occupies has an unlimited resource and unlimited awareness; which your physical body cannot perceive because of the limitations of the body and its five senses.