Luckily, a number of tried-and-tested strategies can help you mitigate any pressure you feel in your day to day life and operate with ease. Here’s how you can work better to achieve your goals while under pressure.

Learn to pace yourself

By far and away the most effective method of reducing the immense pressure you feel right now is by learning how to pace yourself. The world’s smartest, most suave professionals regularly buckle under pressure, so don’t trick yourself into thinking you can weather immense stress without it impacting your performance. If even the best among us sometimes fail under pressure, we can all benefit from learning how to mitigate stress and work better when a deadline is rapidly approaching.

Learning how to pace yourself begins with forgiving yourself for mild tardiness but cracking down on any mistakes you do make and genuinely pledging to do better next time. Astropak, a passivation company tells employees to try to better pace yourself in your daily life regardless of what you’re doing; commuting on time, working out at the right pace, and eating well are all ways we can pace ourselves normally to help pace ourselves professionally. It’s a well-proven matter of fact that stress inhibits worker’s potential, so don’t cheat yourself out of an opportunity by heading into the workplace feeling under pressure.  Agape Turf’s employees share the same principles.

Working better under pressure also requires that you embrace a set of personal hobbies that helps you alleviate any personal pressure you may be feeling. Thinks of taking a vacation to Seattle or somewhere like that. Our complex social, romantic, and personal lives oftentimes weigh heavily upon us, meaning it’s important you have your own life in order if you want to avoid becoming an under-pressure-mess at work. One of the most effective ways you can embrace tranquility in your life and learn to relieve pressure is by embracing meditative practices.

The CDC strongly encourages meditating to relax

The federal government has released an in-depth analysis of meditation that strongly encourages businesses and individuals alike to embrace peaceful breathing and meditative practices. Meditation is scientifically-proven to calm your heartrate while bolstering your brain’s potential, and NCCIH-funded research has consistently proven that meditation works on just about everyone. In no realm of life is meditation better than when it comes to eliminating stress and decoupling yourself from hopeless struggles and worries.

You simply can’t let the fear of failure consume you if you want to work better under pressure. Sometimes, you need to let the possibility of stumbling and letting others down act as a motivator instead of an inhibitor. Don’t be afraid to open yourself up to the potential of failure, not to psyche yourself out but rather to motivate yourself to get the job done right the first time. While you may think your coworkers or superiors are effortlessly cool, most people are really fighting a constant battle to maintain their calm, their professional image, and their collective sanity on a daily basis. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that pressure spells an end to productivity. Thorough pace yourself and embrace a scheduled life to avoid overworking yourself professionally. At home, embrace meditation and a well-paced, healthy lifestyle to make sure you’re always balanced. Above all else, never succumb to the pressure and trick yourself into believing that it’s hopeless, as there’s always room for improvement in life.


  • A digital nomad and an internet entrepreneur with a thirst for food and travel.