In the hustle and bustle of today’s modern world, unfortunately, holidays have become the only time many families spend together. We look forward to these special occasions all year long as they happen quite rarely. This is important on many levels. First, it strengthens your family bonds and second it keeps the family traditions going on. Research has shown that besides many advantages of spending the holiday season with your family, one of the key ones is that holiday traditions tend to bring families together.
Better overall well-being and health
We might not realize it, but holiday traditions might be more important than you think. Research shows that families who spend much time together communicating have strong emotional bonds. It brings upon its members a sense of belonging and it enhances social skills within the family. This is especially important for children as they tend to perform better academics-wise and they are less likely to have behavioural problems. A holiday that’s popular worldwide is, of course, Christmas and many families use exactly this time to reminisce about old memories and create new ones. Even though holidays can be quite busy, it’s important to stop and think about what’s really important and that’s spending quality time with the people we love, showing love and gratitude, spreading warmth and smiles – all that and much more, including disconnecting from everyday stresses and pressure. Additionally, research has shown that our health reflects the health of people we spend time with. The majority of people who participated in the survey reported that their friends and family have a major impact on their health. Keeping family traditions alive
When a man and a woman enter a union, they tend to merge the traditions of both of their families. They choose the traditions they like and they create some new ones as well. And then as their family grows, they tend to keep these traditions alive by doing them every year with their families. Eventually, these traditions become a base for the family and the time of the year that everyone can’t wait, just because of these traditions. And generations after generations, these traditions are kept alive and passed on, with every generation adding something new to them. We don’t only pass the mere traditions, we also pass on and stress the importance of continuity, bonding, love and unity. It becomes the way families relate and connect to each other. Family traditions are also important as they represent an essential parenting tool as they instill social values and contribute to creating close family ties.
Doing things together
There are so many ways we can spend and enjoy some quality time with our families during holidays, especially Christmas. Families can enjoy decorating the whole house together, decorating the Christmas tree, gift exchange, baking and decorating Christmas cookies and also making Christmas cards and even sending them out.
Decorating the house
All the holiday fun starts from the moment you get your Christmas labeled boxes from the attic and start setting the mood all over the house. This can be a fun Christmas activity in which all the family members can participate. Putting out decorations on the mantel, tables and windows while listening to Christmas songs really puts you in the mood. Also, putting up Christmas lights requires a few sets of hands, so the whole family can help out. Throwing in a few Christmas-themed throw pillows, tablecloths and paintings can make you feel like it’s Christmas already.
Decorating the Christmas tree
Another inevitable fun Christmas activity is decorating the tree. This again can be done as a family activity as everybody can put up a few ornaments, tinsel and bells. Putting up a Christmas star on the top of the tree is really important as well as the process of getting a suitable Christmas tree. While decorating the tree, you can use this time to tell Christmas stories and share some of your old memories.
Preparing Christmas dinner together
Families get together during holidays such as Christmas and this usually means, among other things, sharing a meal together. Traditionally, that has been Christmas dinner. However, when you’re hosting dinner for a large number of people, you need some help in preparing the food. This is an ideal opportunity for the family to spend some more time together. Sharing recipes, helping in the kitchen and setting up the table are all activities where children can be involved as well. Another important thing for a Christmas dinner is table decorations as they add to the overall feeling of the moment, joy and coziness. A perfect way to achieve the Christmas mood and atmosphere is to decorate the table with eye-catching and delicious Christmas table gifts. Your guests will surely be amazed by them, as they can enjoy the sight as well as the taste after dinner. Shopping for gifts and gift exchange
A very popular Christmas tradition involves shopping for gifts and exchanging them. There’s something really special about thinking about the perfect gift for someone and investing time and effort to make someone happy. There’s nothing better than getting up on the Christmas morning, rushing to the Christmas tree and opening up presents and afterwards sitting in Christmas PJs and enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. Right?! And the added bonus is the smiles on people’s faces you made happy.
Decorating Christmas cookies
For those who like to be creative, this is a perfect Christmas activity. Baking gingerbread cookies in different shapes and decorating them with various colored icings is something really challenging but at the same time fun. Everyone can show their talents by drawing Santa, Rudolph, Christmas ornaments, bells and presents on the cookies. Later on, you can enjoy the treats and you can also display them in a Christmas tray for everyone to see how talented you are. Another popular thing that many families enjoy is making a gingerbread house. It’s an engaging and satisfying activity.
Making Holiday cards
What’s Christmas without making holiday cards?! Families can enjoy this special time of the year and make memories of it last forever by taking photos together and transforming them to greeting cards which they can send out traditionally by post or in a modern way by e-mail. Everyone likes receiving such greetings!
We spend so little time together as a family, and since we’re not going to be together forever, we should learn to appreciate the time we have and use it in a quality way.