Alaine Bradbury can personally help you create a portfolio to set you up for the future

The old image of the husband being the breadwinner and looking after the family finances, with the “little woman” taking care of the day to day money situation is still alive for some women, in that they have no experience with the bigger financial issues in life such as insurance, investments and property.

Many women in an older age bracket, find themselves suddenly alone when their marriage breaks down or their loved one passes away. Often suddenly having to deal with not only emotions but with the overall management of their daily financial needs and even more so, the big picture of their financial situation going forward. For someone with little experience in this area, this can be extremely daunting and often both younger and older women lack the confidence to tackle this seemingly overwhelming obstacle.

It may be possible to survive adequately on one income at the moment, but will that be enough for the future? It may work on a daily basis, however women of all ages need to consider the future, especially if there are young children involved. Alaine Bradbury has the skills and the empathy to help you on the path to financial understanding using buy and hold investment property. This is essentially where you buy an investment property to rent out and keep for the long term, ensuring a good return over the years and capital growth as well.

These sorts of big decisions can be overwhelming but Alaine is with you all the way, taking the stress and confusion out of the picture and concentrating on your best interests.

Having many contacts in finance and real estate from 17 years in the industry, Alaine will help with choosing the right property with the best potential for return and guide you through the whole process. She is your own private “property consultant”, not only helping you with the tangible things like budgeting but also breaking down those barriers in your subconscious mind, telling you you’re not capable of such major decision making.

She’s done it herself, so she knows how hard it is to break through the fear and self-doubt surrounding such huge decisions.  She has been a role model to her young daughter and hopes to be able to help other women do the same, showing that a woman is perfectly capable of managing a property portfolio of any size and at any age.

Real estate can be the road not only to financial freedom for women, but also empowerment in its most basic form, that of not having to worry for the future anymore. The feeling of having a lifetime source of income to see you through the future is so liberating and empowering and Alaine Bradbury can help you achieve that.

If you’d like to learn more about Alaine and her work, visit her website here.